Chapter 30: The beginning of the end

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"Ugh well thats the welcome back party time to get to work." I said as I look at my tasks at hand in a PDF folder that I received from JYP.

"Hmmm, location scouting, security detail briefing... etc etc. Perfect, I have some spare time to organize how we are going to get Jackson and get rid of this problem." I mumbled to myself as I went about reading what I had to do as I got ready to set out.

After about half an hour I arrived at the concert venue to be greeted by a security detail about the strength of 45 men. We went about the briefing about possible blind spots and what to do in the event of an emergency and the procedures in place for both attendees and performers. After a good hour or two of discussing mundane operating procedures 

I decided that since I had a bit of spare time I headed to a near by coffee shop to have a afternoon cup of coffee and contact Mike to clarify how we are going to catch this ghost. After Mike arrived, he sat down with a worried look on his face seemingly trying to tell me that it wasn't safe to talk about our plans in public as we were being followed. So I started by talking about sports new and other news articles that had came out this week when I noticed a guy clad in all black seemingly trying to blend in and listen to our conversation.

After I had managed to pin point him from the crowd, I signaled that it was time for us to move however I had a trick up my sleeve. As I was getting up and walked past the guy I "bumped" into the guy spilling my drink on him and realised he was wearing a ear piece to which I apologised and walked off promptly towards the car where mike was waiting for and drove to my place.

After a 20 minute drive back to my place, realising that the guy was still following me I hid in a corner only to tackle him from the back and questioned him. But before I could get an actual answer, he mumbled "You can't escape him, he will take everything away from you and watch your life-" Before he could finish the sentence I knocked him out and called an ambulance saying I found an unconscious person on the ground before proceeding up to my place to speak with mike.

"We know he'll strike... but we aren't sure where or when. In the meantime, I want you to be the the head of my security detail for the upcoming concert, I don't expect you to agree to this but it would be appreciated if you could." I said as I passed him a envelope for the security briefing, he agreed without second thought and we started the briefing regarding the details.

---few days later---

After a few days of downtime, many revisions to the security details, evacuation procedures, venue staff briefing and planning on how to catch this ghost. The concert day has arrived and we have been through all preparations and were ready as we'll ever will be.

Me and the detail arrived at the venue for one last run through but the venue had too many blind spots for all of the team to cover so we made do with whatever manpower was at my disposal. As the time for the concert came closer I went back to my place to pick the girls up and to brief them on the way to the concert venue.

"Girls, after the concert there won't be any fan interactions and neither at the start due to the recent event that took place. So, just head straight into the green room before and after the concert and wait for the security detail to come and escort you guys to and from the vehicle. We can't afford anything to happen to you girls." I said as I was focused on driving in a serious tone only to hear the girls agree and ask " What's wrong? You seem very stressed the past few days."

"It's just that after what had happened its difficult to relax when it comes to work but I'm used to this type of stress." I answered as I continued driving not knowing that Mina sent me a message saying "I know you're stressed, but keep up the good work."

When we reached the concert site I instructed them to head in while being escorted by the security team led by Mike, while I parked the car.

After I parked the car, I proceeded to the backstage where the girls were waiting for me to say something before they went out to perform. "Well, just forget about what I said in the car and focus on the performance. Do your best and leave the worrying to me... I mean that's my job." I said reassuringly to them as the smiled back and left the room one by one.

However, while they were performing I had this feeling that something big was going to happen that night and I just couldn't shake that feeling. After they performed the last song of the concert they had some fan interactions before heading towards the waiting room where I was at. 

As they came in I greeted them as they got ready to head back to my place before heading back the next day. After they changed out of the concert attires, Mike and I accompanied by about another 3 security guards  headed towards the exit where I had drove the vanto before the concert ended for convenience sakes when I heard over the radio 

"Unauthorized vehicle breached entry point alpha and heading towards exit all units move towards-" Before I could hear what the guard could say all I heard Mike shouting "FLASH INCOMING" Before being blinded by multiple nine bangers.

"BANG!" A gunshot ringed off

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