Chapter 32: The Last Duel

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"no mission too difficult, no sacrifice to great. huh... " or that was what I thought before we embarked on a trip to drop of the girls back in korea at a secure location to ensure nothing would happen to them.

---1 day later---

The girls along with Mike and myself arrived back in Korea, greeted by a decent sized security detail. "Leave them with us sir we will ensure their safety no matter what." The leader of the detail walked up to me and said confidently as I nodded and signaled the girls to walk over to the prepared transport.

As I turned to face Mike he passed me my katana seemingly to say "It's time to go. leave this behind and focus on the mission." To which I received the sword with a firm grip and we both started walking to a smaller plane that would be taking us into Japan. 

As we approached the plane to our surprise, Alpha team walked out of the plane with me and Mike's old gun belt.

"A parting gift and we thought it'd be useful for whats about to happen." Big Boss said as he threw the gun belts to us. We caught it and we slowly put it on I looked up at him and he said sarcastically, "Glad it still fits thought you'd gain a couple pounds since leaving the force."

"Go fuck yourself. And thanks for everything." I said as I gave big boss a tap on the shoulder as me and mike decided both walked towards the small Cessna 172 that Mike's contact was waiting for us in. We would enter via parachute and trek a couple kilometers up to the compound. After we boarded the plane. Mike asked in a concerned manner "Are you really sure about the plan? Are you sure I can take your place?" I replied " I wouldn't assign it to you if I didn't think you're capable now would I? Anyways even if I don't make it take it as me ensuring the safety of the girls however temporary it is." Mike just listened and nodded.

"Thirty Seconds!" The pilot shouted over the headset as I slowly got up and did a final equipment check before we descended onto the designated landing zone. As we jumped off the plane, we realized there was no turning back. After we landed we trekked about 3 kilometer towards the abandoned facility. After we trekked through the forest, we arrived at the entrance of the facility where we saw two guards having a smoke. Me and Mike crept to within 5 meters and dropped the guards with a shot to the head and we dragged their bodies to hide it in the dense shrub cover.

After we cleared the main gate we proceeded swiftly and cautiously into the main building which was run down and almost pitch black, as we walked in through the main door I snagged my shoe on a trip wire which activated flood lights which gave away me and Mike's position and to also reveal what seemed to be a small army with small arms and large caliber weapons ranging from pistols to RPGs.

"Well well well, if it isn't the dynamic duo Mike and Y/N. Let's see how you two get out of this situation this time." Jackson announced as he leaned onto the railing on the second floor.

meanwhile, me and Mike just stood there hands raised looking like two fools. "Well at least intel was accurate for once." I smirked while tilting my head. 

"Well looks like we're screwed." Mike sighed. Just as he said that we saw two flashbangs fly in front of us and we both hit the deck. 

"Who the hell is that?!" I shouted  as we got up shooting at Jackson and his goons. Just then a helicopter came down and four men in black walked out with weapons, at that moment we realized it was  Alpha team. 

"Sorry we're late, we took our time getting here. Hope you guys weren't waiting too long." Big boss said as he disembarked from the helicopter with a smile on his face. 

I walked up to him and said " I remembered telling you stay out of this one." 

"And I remembered you were about to become a POW." Big boss retorted 

"Just don't get in my way." I said I walked past him brushing him off.

After fighting my way through the entrance I made it into the main building. Seemingly empty, only to find out they had us surrounded from the second floor.

"Well well well if it isn't Y/N and his rag tag team coming in to save the day as always. If you want your team to walk out of this alive you will put down your weapon and have my men escort you to me." A speaker blared out.

I looked back at the team and Mike, I just nodded and raised my arms and started shooting. As the firefight grew intense, Mike shouted to me "Get to Jackson! We'll deal with the grunts, remember the objective!." I nodded and started running towards the second floor vaulting over obstacles and gunning a few grunts down as I made my way to deal with Jackson.

I arrived at the big wooden door as I swing the door open Jackson started shooting the door and I jumped aside as the bullets punching through the door barely misses me. 

"Stop this! Jackson, your vendetta is with me! Don't drag innocent people into this... we already have enough blood on our hands!" I shouted as I walked towards the door and dropped my gun. "Here I am, let her go." I said in a smoldering tone as I felt my rage flaring up.

Jackson smirked at me as he pushed her aside and started approaching me with slow steps that progressed into a running pace, of course I matched him and as we reached striking range we both landed a punch on each other sending each other stumbling a few steps back.

we exchanged blows with me fighting off the pent up rage and practically barely flinching. I managed to land a blow on Jackson's abdomen causing him to stumble a few steps back and lowered himself into a crouching position. As I approached him for a knockout blow he swung out with a small knife that cut the side of my face to which I stumbled back a few steps and pulled out my own knife.

"We're good down here whats the situation up there?! have you secured the package!"

"I'm good get the bird ready I'll hold him off get her out of here! Don't worr- ugh!" Jackson slashed my abdomen while I was distracted only for Mina to scream in horror as she saw me stumble holding onto my stomach.

"Get out of here! Go! Mike will receive you!" I said as i was attacking Jackson with stabs and slashes that were not connecting. She started running towards the door and when I saw Jackson go for her I dropped my knife and tackled Jackson sending both of us through a table.

"Package is on the move towards the bird! Mike receive her!" I shouted as I was in a mount position delivering multiple blows with my elbow to Jackson. he countered with a headbutt and used the knife in his hand to deliver multiple cuts on my arms. Wincing in pain I said "Now that she isn't here lets end this." as I heard the helicopter fly off

I charged at him and started throwing while punches to which caught him off guard knocking him down i delivered a kick as he was down causing him to cough up some blood and dropping the knife he was holding. In a desperate attempt he reached out for the knife only to receive a kick to the head from me stunning him as he stumbled back onto his feet.

I delivered multiple jabs to his head and a hard punch to the stomach which made him fall onto his knees. which rage fading and pain setting in I winced at every the pain I was feeling as every second passed as I walked towards his knife, picking up his knife and walking back to him.

"Things didn't have to end like this Jackson... surrender now and I can help you." I said as I used my off hand to raise his head by pulling his hair up only to spit a knife full of blood at me. At this point we were bloodied from cuts and internal injuries. "You leave me no choice." I said as I slowly plunged the knife into his heart as i held back tears of frustration.

After his last breath, I let out a sigh of relief and a scream of pain and frustration and I fell back into a sitting position. "It's finally over huh." I said as I laid my dog tag on the floor as I sluggishly walked off towards civilization. 

Time to lay low....


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