Chapter 14: I did good?

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(Transitional Chapter, not required to read but will help reader understand character better)

"Alright then lets get down to business Y/N I think you know why I called you here don't you?" He said with a change from his usual smile to a more aggressive and serious look

'Oh fuck here we go' I gulped as I was about to be chewed out again.

"Well answer me." JYP said slightly raising his voice

"The Mina incident?" I replied with an unsure tone

"Congrats ace, now you've become a god damned celebrity, here take a look." JYP said as he showed me a article titled "Why Twice's new manager L/N Y/N is 100% boyfriend material"
not only did it have pictures of me and Dahyun, Mina and Sana.

"Mr Park I-I can ex-" he cut me off

"Save it Y/N.Why are you bringing them out to do stuff like that." JYP said in a little more calm manner.

"Well Mr Park I'm their manager right?" I said and he nodded
"I'm the guy that's supposed to be the link between management and them, so if I can just understand their situation slightly better it would help cause I can report them back to you and we could arrange their schedule so that they can get enough rest and become more effective overall." I said in a tone that was in between emotional and angry.

"Okay but what about Mina then?" He asked while folding his arms.

"Well Mr Park, in all honesty that incident could be avoided. You see I was finding a parking lot and it was taking a long time so I told Mina to go down first and start shopping since it could take a while. After I went to find Mina immediately only to see her get mobbed by fans some sasaeng, unfortunately one of them... thought that I was trying to be a hero cause I had pushed and shoved my way through the crowd and there was a small exchange between us and he decided to throw a punch and I acted in self defense." I said standing with hands behind my back.

"With that being said, was it really necessary to slam him through a bench and the whole warding off the fans with broken plank?" JYP asked in a "Are you serious" tone.

"Well Mr Park I couldn't identify sasaeng from normal fans so I had to make an example of him to "Persuade" them to back off and not try anything funny.

"Well your lucky Mina's statement and the CCTV in the mall matches the statement you just made and the charges he made against you are dropped, you're damn lucky they were dropped." JYP said in a serious tone but added on "Next time you slam a guy don't break a bench please it's a pain to deal with the mall's management people. Oh by the way how's the hand?" he chuckled and asked.

"I'll try sir haha, I'm getting my stiches removed today it closed up faster than expected." I answered

"Oh yeah please get the girls' feedback, and you guys are getting a few more days off to let this little incident quiet down, so you'll continue in the following month since now is already nearing the end of the month. And also, tell me if theres anything that I can do to make your life easier." JYP said in a much friendlier tone and went back to his signature smile.

"It could help if you could give them more frequent rest days." I answered based off the feedback I received and I jokingly said "Maybe a couple mercs will help." to which he laughed.

"You can go now Y/N don't keep Sana waiting, and if anyting happens between you and Mina... just don't let it affect your work." JYP said casually as I blushed and opened the door to see Sana eavesdropping I glared at her and told her about my finger and we head over to the hospital.

"Looks like you've gotten PD-nim's approval huh Oppa" She said teasingly and I started blushing and when I was about to answer she cut me off and said "Focus on driving." To which I just gave up and just drove.

---Time Skip to night time---

After the doc removed my stitches me and Sana went for lunch and afterwards back to my place and hung out for a couple hours until dinner and I joined the girls in having dinner at a nearby restaurant.

After that we went back to the dorm and played games and watched movies and after a while we just sat down some of the girls were already asleep and I was just there sitting with Mina and before I knew it Jeong Yeon threw a blanket at me and told me to share it with Mina and to which I did. After a while all of us fell sound asleep in the dorm living room.

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