Chapter 21: concert is a go

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---0730--- (Y/N POV)

I woke up and saw an angel in my embrace looking at me while she was still in a state somewhere between sleeping and awake. As she awoke I greeted her good morning she stretched and mumbled "good morning, anata*." To which it caught my attention as she said the last part softer than usual. 

"Hey Demon, the boss is calling us for the brief- oh oh shit. Sorry for intruding, excuse me" Wolf says as he walks into my room and leaves almost immediately as he saw me changing while Mina was still in bed. To which I jumped over the bed running towards the door to ope only to trip and land against the door face first. "Tell the boss I'll be there in five in the meantime you can sit here." I said as I pointed to the chair while Mina is wiping and tending to my bleeding nose.  

"Jeez. What am I going to do with you, you're always so clumsy when you panic, I don't know how you can do your job so well." Mina chided me as she wiped the blood off my face. Few minutes later, I walked out of the room with wolf as I placed the my pistol under my suit jacket and walk towards the lift lobby. "Jeez. what am I going to do with you. I'd never thought the demon would ever soften to someone other than jenny. " wolf mocked. "Well fuck you, secondly we broke up." I retorted as we walked into the lift and went to the meeting.

---Briefing room---

"Sorry we're late someone was busy with one of your girls bos- Argh!" Wolf said as I dropped him by elbowing his stomach followed by a mini leg sweep.

"Ah Mina right?" JYP teased. I started blushing and dragged a writhing wolf to his seat beside mine and just took a seat and the meeting started. Big boss walked up in front of JYP and started discussing the details of what was going to happen during the concert from the security standpoint. After which it was my turn to go into details about our respective roles, "Piccolo you're over watch you'll be on the roof of the concert area don't worry you have the best view and a blanket to keep you warm and a picture of me to keep you company. Boss and snoopy are to patrol the entrances and exits to support local security, report any suspicious activity and proceed me and wolf will be taking the backstage area. If anything happens getting the girls out are priority do not get into a full on engagement as much as this is a protection mission this could damn well become a V.I.P extraction mission " I briefed, only to see piccolo mouth 'fuck you' and everyone teasing that me and wolf took backstage only because I want to stay close to Mina. "Remember, do not use your firearms unless really necessary, we're in the public eye representing the boss. And we don't have body armour this time." I said in a serious manner only to get unanimous nods from everyone and I looked at JYP who stood up and said "Okay seems like you all have everything under control. That's all for now lets get breakfast and Y/N please get the girls ready." I nodded and we all went to do different tasks.

---hotel hallway---(Mina POV)

"Mina can you meet me outside our room I'm going to need you help me wake up the other girls." Y/N told me over the phone. I walk out to see Y/N waiting outside our room and he asked nervously "Could you wake them up? I have a key card but I'm not really comfortable with going in to wake them up, could you wake them up?" I just nod as I gently nudged him teasingly "So waking me up is okay?" I teased.

---Y/N POV---

"So waking me up is okay?" Mina teased. Just then Tzu Yu opened her room door that she shared with Nayeon and I knew that she heard everything. To which I greeted her good morning and escaped to the dining area where the guys are eating at a table and I quickly joined them. "Looks who's made a headline of themselves yesterday." Big Boss smirks as he held up his phone to show a article from the entertainment news site which read "TWICE Mina seen with male partner." 

"Ahh fuck." I said as my head fell into my palms as everyone was teasing how this has essentially made me a celebrity. To which I just continued eating my breakfast even with the onslaught of constant teasing from the guys.

After a while the girls came along with a blushing Mina, apparently Jeong Yeon apparently found the article and is teasing Mina relentlessly and when they reached the dining area she walked up to me and whispered "Heard you were busy last night, heh Tzu Yu told me everything." she teased as I started blushing heavily while she started laughing.

After everyone ate and got ready to head for the concert venue for the last practice before the performance. "Alright, let's move everyone." I said as we all boarded the vans as we boarded the  vans and headed towards the concert area.

Anata* a synonym for you or also another way of calling a romantic partner in an endearing way i.e. dear

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