Chap 23.5: Home ground

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After finishing up the meal and chatting with the duo that seem to go together surprisingly well we parted ways. On the way back, Mina asked me "Hey I sensed some tension between you and her what's going on you two former lovers or something?" 

"I wish man, a dame like her would be a steal for someone like me, but to answer your question we met when I was in japan for a brief period." I said trying my best to remember how exactly I met her. "What about it? Is someone eating vinegar?" I smirked smugly only to receive a confused look from her. 

After we arrived at the hotel Mina headed to the room with the other members while I just head back to the room and just cracked open a cold one while looking at the schedule for the upcoming two months.

"Concert in Singapore... huh. Didn't think I'll be heading home so soon." I mumbled as I took another gulp of beer and proceeded to down few more cans before going to sleep.

---one day later---

while reading the schedule and thinking about some other stuff only to receive a text.

Shizuka: Are you available to meet? At  the entrance at Sobu high?

Y/N: You gotta be kidding me at this hour?

Shizuka: I'll provide the transport.

Y/N: Sigh... Fine meet me at the convenience store behind the hotel.

---30 Minutes later---

Jeez, I said be here in an hour and she still isn't here yet I grumbled while drinking a cup of coffee. Just as the thought had finished playing in my head she turned the corner in her car and screeched to a halt in her red Aston Martin, to which I proceeded to hop in and headed towards sobu high. 

-After arriving at Sobu high-

"What's the special occasion going back to the workplace after office hours and on a day off nonetheless?" I asked sarcastically

"Well I just want to get one last look at it before I leave this pace, it was here that I met that bunch that let me be able to witness their growth as people up close and personal and made all those memories. And seeing them pull off those activities from the camp, festival and the recently completed proms really shows how much they have grown over the year." Shizuka said as her voice quaked ever so slightly 

"Getting emotional now are we?" I teased as she turned a bright shade of red seemingly changing to a tomato. 

"So you're rotating to another school....huh, I see you've grown attached to this bunch of kids." I said as I signaled her to hand over a cigarette

"I mean that troublesome hachiman is always overcomplicating things, a wimp, annoying and make me worry about his future. As well as the others with them fumbling through their youth hoping to find something genuine and find out the nature of their relationships." Shizuka added on

"I see *exhales* he's quite the handful isn't he with that cynical outlook and that dead fish eyes. Hn kinda reminds me of myself back in the day." I said nonchalantly 

Shizuka let out a smirk in agreement and went on "So now you're an idol manager huh? How long has this been going on?"

"less than a year. What about it?" I asked

"It's just that you disappeared all those years back and now your back, out of the military and as an idol manager. What's next a triad boss? Ronin?" She ask ever so sarcastically

"Ronin... huh... how about you make me a samurai then?" I teased

"What are you talking about?! Aren't you with that idol girl?" She retorted 

"Oh her well I'm not sure what are we... what about her." I questioned in return

"Well you and her look like you two are a thing and well it also looks like she's got on in the palm of her hands." Shizuka answered blatantly and proceeded to ask "So, when are you leaving?"

"hm I see so thats what we look like. I'm leaving in the morning... sorry I didn't tell you I was in town..." I answered and as I drop the cigarette on the floor and step on it to put out the flames "Let's get going now shall we. Sorry I can't spend more time."

"It's nothing I'm used to it. You were always like a ghost that could never be tied down." Shizuka said as we walked back to the car from the school building.

---Near the hotel---

"Here will do stop the car." I said

the car screeched to a stop "It's great to see you again Y/N." She said in an endearing voice as we both stood outside the car.

"Yeah... *Sigh* Its great to see you again... Take care of yourself alright? Till next time then Hiratsuka-Chan. Let's keep in touch." I tried to make a bitter sweet moment slightly better by going in for a hug only to hear her mumble "you're so unfair." under her breath. I proceeded to go walk back to the hotel while contemplating what to buy myself as a souvenir from Japan.

Just like that Twice's Japan performance was over and the crew was prepared to head back to Korea.


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