Chapter 17: Laying low

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"I'm at 100% let's dance now shall we?"

The last guy who was the one I originally subdued when he tried to grab Mina, came running at me with a bowie knife frantically swinging, I blocked one of his attacks but he had pushed me up against a car and the blade was no further than 3 centimeters from my throat but he had already gave me a few cuts. So, I side stepped making him slip and bang his head onto the van, he turned around and swung again only to get flipped and disarmed.

I broke his master hand immediately by rotating his arm 180 degrees and smashing down on his elbow when he swung at me with his left arm, I blocked pull him downwards only to give him a uppercut that sent him flying . I picked him up and press his face against the broken van window applying more pressure by the second until he stopped struggling. I threw him on the floor picked up his bowie and placed the blade right on his throat and asked "Who sent you." only for him to spit blood on my face to which I hammered his face with the base of his knife.

'He ain't gonna talk' I thought as I proceeded to drive the blade right into his shoulder breaking the bone and sending him into shock as he coughed up more blood.

"Ah fuck, there goes this months paycheck. Two dented doors one broken window one cracked window." I mumbled as I chuckled realising I probably had to live on instant food for the next few months. I put my jacket back on and started driving back to the dorm in a pretty beat up van that lets just said felt colder than usual.

---1 hour later at the dorm---
I parked and head to my apartment just when I opened the door I saw Twice's dorm door swing open and Tzuyu shouted in joy "Y/N oppa you're okay!!" As she jumped into me and hugged me and I just hugged her and patted her head saying "Why wouldn't I be."

Just then Jeong Yeon shouted "Mina your boyfriend is back!"
I shot a glare at Jeong Yeon making her laugh but the next thing I saw was Mina hugging me with tears in her eyes saying
"Y/N-kun, thank god you're ok."
I hugged her back and just when I was about to walk into my room I heard Mina say "Oh my god, your mouth is bleeding, why are your hands so bloody?"  I rubbed my mouth to see blood on my hands and saw how bloody my knuckles were.  

Just then Mina dragged me into my apartment and slammed the door shut and glared at me while holding the first aid kit and said coldly "Sit down and don't fidget." To which I just sat down and let Mina bandage my bloody knuckles. 

(dialogue in Japanese)

"Mina, I'm sorry..." I mumbled to her

"What for?" She ask nonchalantly 

"For making you worry so much, big sister..." I said holding back some emotions.

"You should be. You fool." Mina chided as she was sniffling. I pulled her into a hug with my right arm and just hugged her tight as she cried onto my shoulder essentially soaking it with her tears. 

At that moment Jihyo walked in, "Oh sorry I'll come back later." Upon hearing that Mina backed out of the heart and I said to Jihyo "Don't worry you're not disturbing have a seat. I'll go change and get you two drinks." Just as I was walking to my room, I removed my top and I heard a gasp from the two. I disregarded it and just slipped on a T-Shirt. As I passed them drinks Jihyo asked with a concerned voice, "Y/N-oppa are you okay? There's a huge bruise across your back." 

"Ah yeah I'm okay." I said while popping a couple panadols and washing it down with a beer.

"Mina, stay here tonight and take care of Y/N for the next couple days we have our japan leg of twicelight next week we need him to be a 100%." Jihyo

Mina just nodded and proceeded to continue bandaged my hands, then she took a bottle of ointment and applied it on my back. After a while Jihyo came over with some food that the girls had bought for dinner. So, me and Mina just sat at the dining table watching television while eating our dinner.

---2 hours later---

Just then, JYP texted me 'Hey Y/N I saw what happened please take care you guys are going to Japan in a week take care and don't worry about the legal stuff but your salary this month will be cut for the damages to the van. But in the meantime you can use the white spare van'

 'Thanks Mr Park, I understand about the van and I take full responsibility for what has happened to the van.' I texted back.

Just as I was about to sleep I started receiving messages from friends asking whether was I alright and the guys teasing me saying that I have never fought so hard in our bar fights. Just then, Xavier sent me a picture if Jenny with another guy however I brushed it off and just said maybe its just another girl that looks like Jenny.

'No way Jenny would cheat on me I've been away for barely two weeks' I thought to myself as I went to get a beer from the fridge.

When I was about to open it Mina was leaning on my door frame of the door and cleared her throat and said in a pouting manner "Y/N-kun, no, no beer today you need to rest." and I just looked down and whined "Please nee-san, just one, I promise no more than one." and when Mina heard it she just gave me this look like she was so done with me and just said monotonously "Fine just one then go and sleep, sheesh you're like a little kid." only for me to reply grinning,"Of course, thats why I call you ne-san or noona." and I proceeded to down my beer and head to my room only to see Mina in the guest room.\

"*Clears throat* C'mon Mina no need to be shy it's not like it's your first time in my house and besides since when were you so 'timid' you've already slept in my room like what four times, what makes you so modest now?" I said sarcastically and carried on, "And besides, Jihyo said to take care of me didn't she?" I smirked and just saw Mina shake her head and gave me the same look as she did when I was getting my beer as we head into my room and slept.

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