Chapter 19: Japan

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1 Week later
Tokyo, Japan

"Hey girls wake up, we're in Japan already." I said to which only Jihyo responded and got up and helped me wake up the other girls.

"Ne-san please wake up we're at the airport already."  I said as I nudged Mina's shoulder repeatedly but she didn't budge she continued sleeping, then I realised everyone including alpha team was waiting for me on the tarmac, so I just decided to carry Mina out of the plane. As I was carrying Mina down to the vans I saw Jeong Yeon and alpha team smirking at me seemingly trying to say "Looks like someone scored the jackpot."

After setting Mina down in Twice's van I headed to the other van and was riding with alpha team.

"Hey heard the boss is assigning 2 per room, looks like one lucky fella is going to be sleeping with an idol tonight." Big boss said seemingly implying something about me.

"Alright let's draw straws 2 red 2 blue 1 purple I'll place it in this black cloth bag and everyone draws the straws." After everyone took their turns drawing, final sequence was big boss red,wolf red, snoopy blue, piccolo blue and me with the purple. The minute I saw the purple stick I started blushing as I immediately had a subconscious thought if Mina was the one that would draw the purple straw on their end. 

Just then Wolf asked "Hey look at you all blushing, looks like your getting pretty excited for tonight huh you lucky SOB." 

I just smirked and shrugged it off until they started "interrogating" me
"so who is it? Tzuyu? Mina? Jeong Yeon? Sana? Or momo?" They asked in unison. Only for me to deny their claims until eventually I just gave in and whispered "Mina..." While low-key blushing, but the atmosphere quickly changed when snoopy asked me about jenny, only for me to show him the photo Xavier had sent me. Then the car went dead silent as we made our way to the hotel as we all decided to sleep off the awkwardness.

---Twice POV---(happening simultaneously as previous paragraph)

"Okay girls, Lets draw sticks 2 blue, 2 red, 2 green, 2 yellow, 1 purple whoever gets the purple will have to share a room with someone from the other van. Mina you look excited." Jihyo said the rules and went on to tease Mina resulting in multiple suggestive looks from the other girls as well. 

"Well looks like you're bunking in with one of the boys tonight, hmmm wonder if it's manger oppa." Jeong Yeon teased Mina who immediately blushed as at the thought of that as it was not her first time sleeping with him.

The girls continued doing their own thing n the van till they arrived at the hotel, Mina playing her mobile games, Jeong Yeon and Nayeon along with Jihyo continuously tried to tease Mina about the prospect of sleeping with Y/N where the Momo and Sana were discussing what to do ltaer on whee the Maknae line had just continued to sleep the remainder of the ride to the hotel

---20 minutes later---  (Y/N POV)

"Oi wake up man we gotta get to work man we've arrived at the hotel and we gotta protect your harem as well as your girlfriend." Big boss said. I woke up rubbing my eyes and groggily mumbled "yeah... protect my har- WHAT?!" as the words processed in my brain,  I shot up wide awake and flipped everyone off in the van to their amusement as they chuckled and head out of the van to act as  a barrier between the girls and the press outside the hotel.

"Damn Y/N, your harem sure is popular among the press, you sure you didn't drug them or anything when you were living next door to them." Wolf said as we stood trudged through the crowd while maintaining a circle around the girls to allow them to make it into the hotel without having to squeeze through the hoards of fans and paparazzi. After finally trudging into the hotel at the ever so fast pace of 5 centimeter per second. The guys and I were exhausted, as everyone was going to check in I realised everyone was matched up and had their key cards, just then snoopy popped me on the shoulder and slung his arm onto my shouler and asked "So who you hoping for?" I just shrugged and replied nonchalantly "well anyone would do I just wanna kick back get a beer and rest." Just then I noticed Mina standing alone as everyone was paired up except for Mina and at that exact moment Momo and Sana both came up and said " Please take care of our Mina."  Just then when I was in the midst of processing what they both said, they step aside and Mina walked forward and passed my the card and that point I had lost all motor cognitive functions and struggled to even take the card and give them a reply.

"Yo, look at Y/N he's so happy he lost all motor functions and became a blushing mess. Look likes he does have something for Mina." Big boss nudged wolf while laughing as wolf just chuckled while shaking his head.

After regaining basic motor skills, Mina and I headed to the room.

"you gotta be shitting me." I mumble as I dropped my stuff on the floor.

---15 Minutes later--- (Y/N and Mina room)

"Okay. Girls so if anything does happens to you guys when we're not with you just pick up the pistol you find in the dresser and shoot it at the intruder like this." Big boss said while showing how to aim the pistol to be interrupted by me as I interrupted him by smacking the back of his head.

" Girls in case anything happens just use the radios we gave you after checking in to contact us and we'll be there as soon as we can and PLEASE only use this when there is and emergency."

"No Momo being hungry and wanting us to deliver food to you is not and will not be considered a emergency. OKAY, girls look only use this in an emergency and for nothing else, if anything you can call my phone. If there isn't anything to address could you guys please get off the couch since that's where I'll be sleeping for the night since there was an error in booking and they only gave one bed.

Everyone nodded and left however, Jeong Yeon and Big Boss gave me a glance trying to say "Don't have too much fun.". I ignored them and asked Mina " Wanna grab a bite? I'm going out to buy some snacks and drinks you wanna join me?"

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating for such a long period of time this is a very late announcement on my end but this year will see very little uploads as I'm sitting for my 'O' Levels this year and I won't be able to write up stories that much so I apologise in advance and thank you guys for the support over the past few months. 

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