Chapter 22: A hard days work

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---0900--- concert venue

"Hey aren't we essentially getting a free show sitting here while they practice?" Big boss said as he sat down on the arm chair across from me 

"Man shut up I'm trying to get some rest before the real deal go take the piss out of someone else" I said in a nonchalant manner 

"Looks like someone was busy last night" Big Boss smirked as he bumped snoopy's fist while i turned the other way after flipping them off.

-1400hrs backstage-

"Okay lets run through the plan one more time, if shit goes wrong we are to evacuate the girls by any means necessary and we've been given the weapons free so any collateral will be handled by JYP or we'll just set up the people who fuck up the performance." I said while eating some food

The other guys all just nodded in agreement as we ran through the plan one more time before moving out. 

---Fast Forward  to the concert (backstage)---

*twice music blaring in the background*

"Piccolo whats your status" I radioed in

"I got the best view in the house so everything's all good" He remarked sarcastically 

"Don't get carried away pic, stay on alert." I warned as I started to patrol the backstage area with wolf.

Wolf: "So I heard you and Jenny broke up?"

Y/N: "Yeah, one of the guys back home saw her cheating and informed me. But, everything is all good. New life in Korea and heck I'm their manager even tho sometimes I feel like John Wick with the ass holes or wannabe thugs, at least it nothing that serious."

Wolf: "Always knew she wasn't a keeper.... *Smirks* hn. So now that you're free you going after one of the girls or what? You have 9 choices you can just pick at random and most shut in idol lovers would kill to be in your position."

Y/n: : "Well there is someone who has my attention for now but I'm not sure if she feels the same about me. I mean-"

Just then the radio blared out from the local security "We have a runner heading towards the backstage area! Intentions are unknown as of now. Wolf and Demon please assist."

"Roger, moving to assist on unidentified runner." We both replied as we both started running towards the entrance only to see a male in a hoodie with a bag running. We tackled him to the ground and slapped him around for a little bit, but eventually handed him over to the police 

---After the whole runner incident---

Wolf: "That was fun lets continue our route, so where were we again about you and the girls?"

Y/N: "Well as I was saying there is someone who has caught my attention, she sorta meets my "type". She's kind, pretty, good personality."

He smirked as he gave me a rough pat on the shoulder as we continued our rounds.

---Couple hours later---

The concert had concluded without further incident and the team and twice were in high spirits due to the successful show they had just carried out  

"Ah now that the concert is over we just gotta wait for the girls while we help the crew pack up the gear and equipment so let's get moving......." I said as I realized the whole team was knocked out sleeping in the corner of the room, the floor and the couch. I went to slowly wake them up and we proceeded to help the crew pack up the stuff tat were used during the live show.

After packing up the equipment I went in to the room where the girls were at to check on them. "we all ready to go back to the hotel?" I asked while peeing my head through the door only to be greeted by a pillow thrown by Sana. The girls were a mix between apologetic and trying to hold back their laughter .

"Well I assume that'll be a yes then. Be out in five the vans are arriving anytime now." I said as I walked out the back to check for the van. After waiting a while out back while being whipped by the cold wind. Eventually the vans did arrive and everyone got on the vans, while on the van I took out my phone and saw a text 

Shizuka: So when am I going to get that treat?

Y/N: Could you not ask in such a demanding tone?

Shizuka: How can I? One minute you disappear without a trace with the SF and next thing I meet you you're the manager of an idol group.

Y/N: Fair enough. Let's meet at the usual ramen place we used to go. But I'm bringing Mina along, you good with that?

Shizuka: As long as I get that treat.

Y/N: Still as money minded as ever I see, it's been years and you still haven't changed one bit. See ya later at the usual place.

---back at the hotel---

"Well done everybody, we were able to pull of a successful show without mishap. Well that concludes a hard days work, we'll be in Japan for the next two days. In the meantime it'll be free and easy until the day we depart. That's all dismissed." I said as everyone listened in congratulating each other. 

Just as everyone was going back to their room I called out to Mina who was with the other J-line members. "Erm Mina would you want to head out for some food with me and ,y friend that helped us the other day?" I asked nervously, "Umm okay lets head for ramen then." She answered with her usual bright smile which could warm up the harshest of winters.

Author Note: I'm back guys sorry for the long wait, I have updates for readers, I will be updating once a week most likely mid week towards the weekend and may update twice if I will be busy in the following weeks. Thanks for the continued support and see you at the next chapter.

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