Ending 2

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---3 months later---

"Oi wake up." Shizuka said as she kicked me off her couch. "Don't you have a flight to catch? Get ready to leave otherwise you're going to miss the flight." She nagged.

I sluggishly changed into a suit as she dragged my luggage out of the living room to the door.
"I'll bring the car round wait for me at the ground floor." she said
"Could you at least sound less happy about me going back?" I answered as I checked my personal belongings.

---2 hours later---

I was about to go into the boarding area with Shizuka sending me off, "Why don't you join me if you're going to look sad all of a sudden?" I asked teasingly.

"You know I can't." She said as she was hiding the shiver in her voice.

"Don't worry I'll find you if I'm ever in the neighbourhood again alright? Then, till next time... Shizuka." I said as I walked towards customs.


"Ah right time to go home and see if my shit is all dirty and dusty or if it got taken over by the girls." I said as I walked out of the airport and hailed a cab.

After an hour's drive from the airport, I arrived at the apartment block I lived in. And I took a deep breath as I walked into the apartment complex. I approached y door as I realised the girls' apartment was unnaturally quiet.

'Maybe they're out' I thought to myself as I shrugged to myself while opening the door and walking into my apartment only to see it in the same state I left it in. I threw my luggage aside took of my jacket and suit and walked into the kitchen taking out a beer and bag of chips as I jumped onto the couch as I started watching television.

---Few hours later (Mike's POV)---

We had just reached back from the day's long schedule as I dropped the girls off at their apartment before heading back to my own place. However not long after they went up to their apartment, I was spammed with messages saying that they heard noises coming from Y/N apartment. 

Feeling suspicious that it could be a burglar I decided to investigate, I took the lift up only to be greeted by the girls at the lift that followed me from behind. However when I approached the apartment I could hear the television on which wouldn't be surprising considering how forgetful some of the girls can be. But to pacify them I decided that kicking the door open to show them that it was just them leaving the TV on.

---Y/N POV---


I was absolutely stunned when I saw the door burst open only to see Mike at the door with the 9 of them peeking out from behind them.



Next thing I knew I was bombarded with tons of "I thought you were dead" and "when did you get back". After clearing all of the questions from the girls, it was finally Mike's turn to ask me his own question.

"So what're you going to do now?" He asked 

"Well since I'm back and in one piece how about we work together to manage this bunch of crazy girls?"

"You sure you're up for that again after "coming back from the dead"?" 

"Well 2 heads are always better than one and besides it'll be easier with the two of us hopefully."

I noticed Mina was holding back tears as she struggled to say "I'm glad you're alright." I walked over and gave her a hug and said "Nee-san, I'm home" After i said that i released the hug and face Mike.

"As I was saying, with the two of us What Could Possibly Go Wrong."

What could possibly go wrong? A male reader X Twice fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now