Chapter 6: Unexpected friends

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Continuation of chapter 5~~~~

"Eh?" Mina answered
"Don't you think manager oppa has something for you? I mean come on look at his face when you smiled after hearing you thank him and seeing your smile, and look how willingly he bought you stuff, I mean don't you think so?" Jeong Yeon asked.
Mina just shrugged and went back to playing her mobile game.

---you guys have been on the road for about 30 mins---

"Manager Oppa?" Chae young called.

"Yes Chae Young?" You answered.
"Oh yeah, girls please don't call me oppa or manager oppa just call me
Y/N. I'm not quite used to the whole oppa or manager thing. Actually just call me what you guys are comfortable with." You said as you let out a nervous chuckle.

---Time skip 30 mins---
You guys finally arrived and as you head in to your apartment and you realise that you're gonna need a little extra help to make the chicken rice with achar, so you head over to the girls place.
You head to their front door and knock twice.

---Dahyun POV---
*knock knock*
"Oh who could that be? better check it out." Dahyun said as she went and open door "Oh Y/N oppa is there anything you need?"

"Yeah I need some help with the dinner preparations could you get 2 or 3 of the girls to come help me preferably the girls that can cook. Preferably Sana, Jeong Yeon, Jihyo." Y/N said while peering into our dorm.

"Awww... but I wanna help as well" I said while looking down and pouting
'He's definitely gonna give in to my aegyo' well at least that was what I thought was gonna happen.

"Awww... is my little Dubu sulking? I'll make it up to ya okay? How about I bring you to a cafe that I found on my first day here... wait that's yesterday." Y/N sounded like a dad talking to his daughter and proceeded to pinch my cheeks

I look up only to see his gentle smiling, I suddenly start blushing as I use my hand and cover my face as I run into the dorm leaving Y/N at the door while calling for the unnies

I look up only to see his gentle smiling, I suddenly start blushing as I use my hand and cover my face as I run into the dorm leaving Y/N at the door while calling for the unnies

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(You smile somewhat similar to this)

---Y/N POV---
You see Dahyun run back into the dorm with her face in her hands,
'Did I do something wrong?' You thought only to be interrupted by Mina thats seemingly came out of nowhere."Y/N oppa I heard you are making dinner can I help?" She said in her soft voice while looking at you.
'God damn I'm a sucker for that' you thought as you nodded at Mina and you see her smiling and clapping in excitement only to bring a slight blush to your face.

---Jihyo,Jeong Yeon and Sana POV---
We saw Dahyun running around the dorm calling our names.
"What is it Dahyun?" Jihyo asked
"Oh Jihyo unnie, Y/N oppa is finding you, Jeong Yeon unnie and Sana unnie. He said something about him needing help preparing dinner and he'd like the three of you to help out." Dahyun said slightly flustered
"Ok I'll get the girls but why are you blushing?" Jihyo answered
"N-n-nothing!" Dahyun said as she ran off covering her face with her hands.
'Don't tell me she has already fallen for manager oppa' she thought as she searched for the other two member
Only to find them in their respective rooms

"There you are girls follow me oppa said he needs help preparing di-" Jihyo said as she was accompanied by Jeong Yeon and Sana as they walked out of their room only to see you and Mina at the door

"Is Y/N oppa blushing his cheeks seem a little red... has he been drinking or is it because of Mina" Jeong Yeon whispered to the other girls sarcastically. The other girls just giggle as they look at you "Oh no he noticed us." Jihyo said holding back her laughter as the three of them approach you.
"You called us oppa?" Sana asked tilting her head

---Y/N POV---
Just when Mina's smile was giving you a pink tint on your cheeks you notice the three of them mumbling something among themselves and started giggling, and when the other girls approached Jeong Yeon could be seen raising her eye browns at you in a suggestive and teasing manner. 'Uh oh this can't be good' just then the three of them approach you and Sana asked as she tilted her head "You called us oppa?" Which didn't help the situation as your face went from a peach to a tomato and you said as calmly as possible "Ah yes, err err Sana can you help me with the rice, Jeong Yeon can you help me with the achar and Jihyo help me with the kitchen and errr Mina... help... help me with the table." You said as your face was heating up and turning redder by the second and you just hastily pass them recipes you jotted down from years ago when learning it from your grandfather as you walk hurriedly into your house saving yourself from any further embarrassment.

---3rd person POV---
Y/N was preparing the chicken along with Jihyo or rather Jihyo was following Y/N's lead, while Mina was cleaning the table and setting it up for dinner while Sana was following the achar recipe Y/N passed to her and Jeong Yeon was busy with preparing the rice to the best of her abilities.

Just then Y/N saw Sana nearly drop a bowl off the counter top as she bumped into the refrigerator door,
Y/N just kicks the refrigerator door close as he pushed the bowl back onto the counter top but it slammed against the wall making it slightly crack. "Sana you alright?" Y/N asked in a concerned manner only for Sana to nod while looking at him in awe and affection. 'Y/N looks so good when he's acting like a actual man and not a nervous fanboy' Sana thought while looking at him.

"Daebak" Jeong Yeon said in awe and the other girls including Mina were in shock at what Y/N had just done and were looking at him. Y/N picks up the bowl to check the crack and realised it was only cracked on the surface and you grabbed a bowl and pass it to Sana "Here transfer everything here just put this bowl in the back I'll get rid of it later." Y/N said. Just then he noticed all the girls looking at him "Girls lets not stand by and do nothing, the other girls are waiting lets get this dinner done before 6PM so you guys and the others won't get hungry." Y/N said chuckling and trying to hide a blush as 4 pretty girls were looking at him. Everyone went back to doing their own assigned roles and in no time dinner was ready.

---an hour later---
"Mina get the other girls over! Sana get the achar on the table! Jeong Yeon get the rice pot on the table, Jihyo get some rest you've been working hard as well and also I'm almost done with chopping the first chicken I'm gonna start on the sec- AH GOD DAMN IT "
You instructed as you and the girls had overshot your targetted time and it was now pushing 7PM, however while you were giving instructions you had cut yourself pretty bad on the finger. Jeong Yeon was carrying the rice pot sana was trying her best not to drop the bowl of achar Jihyo went back to their dorm to rest. Just then Mina was about to leave when she saw you wincing in pain holding on to your left hand
"OMG Y/N OPPA" Mina screamed in shock.

A/N: hey guys its author one again please continue to support this story and please upvote yeah its really fun to write these stories for you guys and I hope you enjoy reading and please comment should i add in a
Mina X Male reader sub plot or alternate version of this story cause theres not many mina x male reader stories. Thanks for the support guys

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