Chapter 7: A successfully failed Dinner

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The other girls heard and ran to her only to gasp as they saw me wincing holding my left hand covered in blood from my finger which honestly suffered a pretty deep cut.
" Girls its fine I've had worse, *inhale while wincing* ahhh Mina get me the first aid kit and go into my room i have a box of latex gloves *inhaling while wincing* and dress my wound according to my instructions ok don't be scared its only a flesh wound" I said chuckling .
Mina rushes to find the first aid kit and the latex gloves and runs over to my side "Ok tell me what to do." She said nervously. "Ok first, get a piece of cloth inside and tie it at the base of my finger we beed to stop the bleeding *wincing and inhaling* ahh then put antiseptic cream or alcohol swab to sterilise wound, fuck it hurts, *inhales* then place a piece of cotton wool on it and tie a wire gauze around the cotton wool and secure it with a paper tape and help me put on the latex gloves, I'm gonna finish making this dinner" I said as the pain grew more intense.

Mina just nodded but I could see her face going pale as she follows step by step, she tied the finger which just made me wince in pain however when she used the swab it was so painful I shouted 'Fuck' startling her. Seeing how startled she was, I told her to get me a towel folded multiple times to let me bite on and instructed her to apply the cream as I bit into the towel so hard my gums started to slightly bleed. She quickly finished up the last two steps and i dropped the towel from my mouth with had blood stains in the form of my mouth. "Put it in the sink in my room I'll finish up here ok? Thanks for helping me dress my wound" I said smiling Mina nodded and ran off.

---15 mins later I finally finished

I quickly chopped the chicken and separated the organs, now it's time to serve. When I walked out of the kitchen holding onto two plates of chicken one hand steady while the other one shaking. There was a visible look of concern on every one of their faces.
"大家吃飯 (let's eat everyone)" I said only to receive awkward silence from the girls, realising a force of habit I had back home carried forward and the girls could see visible embarrassment on my face. Just then I heard someone go
"嗯,大哥吃飯(mhm, let's eat big bro)" and I realise it was Tzuyu who said that with a smile on her face.
Just then I said to everyone "let's eat." Only to see everyone smile and start eating.
"Daebak Y/N oppa the chicken is really good." The girls rejoiced and I felt a sense of happiness as well as accomplishment. As we dug into the food.

When we were eating I asked "Did you girls try this while touring in Singapore? Or did you try this when filming TV6 on v live?" You said as you were eating the rice. You could clearly see some form of shock on the members face at the question while they looked at you shaking their heads. 'Uh oh did I say something wrong?' You thought to yourself.

"Y/N oppa how do you know so much about us?" the girls asked in a curious tone. "Well... you see... I u-u-used to be a fan of you guys before coming to Korea..." You said blushing heavily and almost choked on the achar, 'Ok the achar isn't ready to be eaten not pickled enough yet.' You thought as you nearly choked on it. "Ah that explains it, no wonder oppa is so nervous arounds us turns out he's a Once as well." Nayeon said teasingly.

Just then Mina asks "Umm Y/N oppa your hand... should we get it checked out?" She said as she noticed your left hand was shaking while holding your bowl of rice as you were had our right hand using the chopsticks to eat. "Ah yeah you know what maybe I'll head by the hospital after dinner." You said as you continue eating and gave Mina the "Everything is going to be ok" look and smiled.

"Wait so who's going to drive Y/N oppa to the hospital?" Momo asked in a concerned manner "Pabo, either me, Jihyo or Nayeon unnie are gonna drive him there." Jeong Yeong said in an annoyed manner making Momo pout. "Girls it's fine it's just a cut." You chuckled, the girls just glared at you.
"Okay okay I'll go to the hospital just make sure you guys dont overreact at the hospital alright." You sighed as you gave in to their demand and finished up your dinner.
"Just leave the dishes in the sink" I said as I put on my coat, getting ready to head to the hospital and the girls were heading back to their dorms to change. I patted my coat pockets trying to find my car keys when Jeong Yeon said "Looking for this?" While she twirled the car keys on her index finger I smirked as I signal her to move along.
---walking towards the car---

"So why did you move to Korea from Singapore?" Jeong Yeon asked .
"Well I wanted a fresh start away from Singapore cause some stuff happened..." I said solemnly .
"Oh would you li-" Jeong Yeon got cut off by Jihyo "Were you planning to leave without us?" She smirked. You smirked and shook your head as all of you got in the car

--- on the way to the hospital---
(Twice POV)
Everyone was looking at you and how calm you were even though now your latex glove was removed to show a fully reddened wound dressing with a cloth tied to the base of the finger.

"Oppa you ok?" Chae Young asked
Y/N just nodded and made a mhm sound from his mouth

"Does it hurt?" Sana asked
"Well it hurts a little I've gotten used to this kind of pain already" Y/N said but realised he said something he shouldn't have

"Eh? Y/N oppa what have you been through that you can take such an injury as if its a paper cut? Some of us even start a fuss when we get a paper cut." Mina asked
"Tch" Naeyeon hissed at Mina
"Oh I've been through worse, maybe I'll tell you guys another time alright?" Y/N said nervously while chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck

"Which branch you served in?" Dahyun asked curiously
"Special forces" Y/N said
You hear the girls gasp in shock and awe. 'ah fuck here comes the flood'
Y/N thought to himself.
"What was it like?" Chae young asked
"Did you kill anyone?" Tzuyu asked
"Is it like the movies?" Momo asked
"How dangerous was it?" Sana asked
"Did you get hurt?" Mina asked
"How tough was it?" Dahyun asked
"Are the guys hot" Nayeon asked
"Why did you join?" Jihyo asked
"Whats it feel like to be shot at?"Jeong Yeon asked.

'A flood indeed, I'm gonna need some time to answer these question' you mentally sighed but were glad someone was interested unlike your friends back in Singapore where they did not care
"Ok we're at the hospital" Jeong Yeon said. Everyone left the car and headed into the hospital.

A/N: Author 1 here again sorry this chapter got a little of track and went to the character backstory, but I realise it'd be better than to leave it half ended sorry about that guys.

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