Chapter 24: When Ghosts Haunts

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"God damn it! *Slams table* I paid you guys to get a job done either get the idol or get the guy to me! I've given you more chances than I should have even been considered! You guys said you guys were able to do the job but all you guys did was prove to me that you guys are nothing more than good for nothing street thugs, boys get rid of them." A figure on a swivel chair with the back facing them said.

The boss of the street thugs was dragged out while screaming only to be silenced by the sickening sound of a blade slashing through human skin and flesh.

"Y/N, I swore to get my revenge on you and I will not rest until I have my revenge. We move out at midnight, it's time to pay a visit to an old friend."

-Meanwhile in korea- (a week after returning from japan)

"Okay girls please stop wrecking the apartment we have an event to attend so could we hurry up we've already been late for a few events since returning from Japan." I said as I was picking up the pillows and blankets that lay in the living room of their shared apartment.

"Okay thats the last pillow, GIRLS VAN'S ALREADY READY!! PLEASE I DON"T WANT TO BE LATE!" I hollered as loud as my lung capacity allowed me to shout only to hear them answer me in a tone that reminded me of when my parents back home would rush me when I was late for anything. I shook mu head in disbelief due to the realization that I am now the person chasing rather than the person being chased.

---On the way to the fan meet--- 

(Flashback in JYP's office)

"You called for me?" I asked curiously its been less than a day since we had returned from Japan. 'We just got back and I'm here, did I fuck up something?' I thought as I saw JYP invite me for a seat.

"We just received word that the few incidences that happened were no accident. They are part of a street gang hired by someone to try and get you or the girls. As for names we have none, all we know is that their boss was found dead few days ago. Be careful out there Y/N, I have also added security for the girls." He said in a solemn manner 

Just as I was wondering who could it possibly be my train of thought was interrupted by Jihyo who asked in a concern manner "What's wrong? You seem to be in a very perplexed state of mind recently." I just brushed the question and claimed it was just the heavy schedule getting to me.

'Just who could it be everyone that knows me prior to this are either dead or still in the service and I'm sure that my friends wouldn't do that to me' Just as I was thinking I heard knocking on the door, the security team had arrived an hour before hand and had everything prepared for our arrival. I stepped out to be greeted by a rookie who had heard about me when he was in the service "We have everything prepared for your arrival sir we can assure you everything ell go smoothly as planned." He said with the utmost confidence in his voice and went on to tell me the contingency plan as we walked towards the backstage area.

"No plan ever survives when there is contact with the enemy." I said as I followed the girls into the green room. "Okay girls do your thing out there if anything goes wrong follow the plan." I said before I started walking towards the door only to get dragged aside by Mina and Jeong Yeon

"Y/N are you okay? You seem very out of it the past few days." They both questioned 

"I'm fine girls just go get ready, I'll handle the crowd first." I said as I walked towards the stage to control the crowd eager to meet their favorite idol. As I was heading to the stage I radioed in on the status of the security team "alpha entrance secured. Bravo and Charlie exit secured." I just sighed and thought "We'll see just how good you guys are when shit hits the fan." as I didn't exactly trust security I was working with for the first time.

---??? POV--- 

"Alright Team A, take out the guards at the entrance and we have about 10 minutes before he realizes his men are down when he allows the fan to greet the idols. Team B after that you'll go in with me and start hell, and also to get him a little banged up but that isn't going to be easy. Remember today is to send him a message that no where is safe for him to hide not even when he had put everything behind him." A hooded figure said as he threw his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. 

"It's go time, lets send a message in fire." and the hooded figure's men moved out and took the guards out without even breaking a sweat

---Meanwhile in the auditorium---

As twice was performing their songs on stage me and the rookie along with three other security guys

"Alpha, Bravo and Charlie team give me a sit rep. We have started allowing fan interactions between package and civilians. over." I called out to the other teams only to get no reply.

 "Y/N I hope you haven't forgotten about me. Cause I haven't and I'm coming for you." A voice I never thought I'd ever hear again but this time filled with killing intent and rage sent chills down my spine.

"STAGE TEAM ON ME WE HAVE A SECURITY BREACH ENTRANCE AND EXITS ARE DOWN. SECONDARY ENTRANCE HOLD YOUR GROU-" Before I could even finish my order the doors flew open and the intercepting guards were cut down by what seemed to be Tanto and machete wielding men with the first guard stabbed and the other slashed.

After his men kicked the two down guards aside, a hooded figure waked through between them and removed his hood and announced "Y/N show yourself, we have a score to settle!"

"That can't be... impossible he died three years ago... it can't be him..."

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