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A/N: hey guys this chapter is just to get the basis settled and I'll be using italics for friends dialogue while using bold for your dialogue while your brother is bold italics with underline

"Dude, you're sure about this whole immigration thing? I mean I know you've been through a lot but isn't this a little ya know overreacting?" Andre asked in unison before downing another glass of whiskey with Shane, Mike and Xavier siding with him.

"Look guys, I appreciate you guys trying to get me to stay *sips whiskey* but it'll be the best for me at this juncture so I hope you guys could support my decision to move to Korea and look, if you guys ever visit there give me a call, at least there will be a free tour guide. By the way guys I know the drinks are free but take it easy on the whiskey." I warned as I finish my glass of whiskey.

"It's just that things will feel different without you around ya feel me and to be honest you were the core that sort of held the group together all these years... but if you really feel that this is the best for you then we wish you all the best in Korea. Heres a toast to Y/N to being a great friend since we were children and wishing him all the best when he gets to Korea." Said Xavier as he brought up his glass, we met his glass as we shouted cheers and downed the drink.

"By the way guys don't worry about me guys, I already found a place to stay in Seoul and I'm applying for jobs as we speak so hopefully when I fly over tomorrow I can just head to my new home unpack and continue my life" I said confidently

Only to be met with the looks of the guys giving me the "yeah, sure" look god I hate it when they do that, but I've grown accustomed to that we've been friends for nearly two decades. We proceeded to chat and reminisce about the times we had be it good or bad (mainly bad but in a good way) far into the night by the time they left all of us were almost wasted from the drinks, well shane was just flat out sleeping on my living room floor as the guys carried shane out of the house as they left, they wished me good luck as I smiled and waved to them.

"So I guess this is it huh? You're really going to Korea huh Big bro. I'll miss ya" said Jack as he hugged you.

"Hey shouldn't you be home by now you have school tomorrow you little runt. Oh yeah tell mom and dad they do not need to wordy about my apartment I'll tidy up the apartment when I come back to visit all of you." I said as I ruffle his hair only to get smacked in the gut by him.

I call our dad to come pick Jack up after waving goodbye to them I head to bed.

Its really happening huh I'm actually moving to Korea
you thought as you drifted off to slumber land

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