Chapter 15.5: No Jam (Part 2)

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---6:30PM---(Y/N POV)

"Are you ready Y/N-Oppa?" Jeong Yeon asked excitedly as we were about to start playing

"Well we're up against kids and couples and I'm pretty sure it'll be a piece of cake." I said confidently as I shrugged my shoulders and then we went in turns out I was very wrong. I was getting my hand handed to me by those kids not only because they were fast but they had much more people and well lets just say the couples fared much better... how? I'm not sure either.

After the laser tag, me and Jeong Yeon walked out sweating as if we had just finished a work out, she smirked at me sarcastically "piece of cake huh Y/N-Oppa, kids and couples huh Y/N-oppa."

When I heard that I started blushing out of pure embarrassment because not only did we get our ass kicked by a couple kids, when we checked the individual scores I had the least kills and most deaths. So all I could do was just look and Jeong Yeon in embarrassment and chuckle while scratching the back of my neck.

"Lets head out for dinner your treat." Jeong Yeon said

"What? I paid for the laser tag game and most of the arcade games. Jeong Yeon-ah could we at least split the bill so my wallet won't become so light?" I said in a whiny voice.

"Please~~Please Y/N-oppa~~" Jeong Yeon said in a cute manner while tugging my shirt, only for me to sigh and give in to her little act and just nod my head and she cling onto my arm and started cheering in joy.

---8PM---(Y/N POV)

Me and Jeong Yeon arrived at a road side stall that sold food you know like those you see in the K-Dramas, after getting a table we called for some food as well as some soju cause why not its cold and I feel like drinking.

So me and Jeong Yeon started eating and drinking and talking about our experiences growing up and how we co-existed with siblings and how we fought as well. We talked and drank into the night with Jeong Yeon stopping when she realised I was drinking too much so she realised she had to bring us back home.

---10:30PM---(Jeong Yeon POV)

I took out my phone and saw the time and decided that we should head off as I was slightly tipsy as well so I took Y/N's wallet and paid for the food and dragged Y/N over my shoulder to the car just then I could her him mumble something like

"Look at me dad, you called me crazy, go fuck yourself I'm Twice's manger"
"Screw you Shane always calling me crazy for following Twice look at me now I've made it and there you are eating shit"

Thats all I could understand as he trailed off into some indistinguishable mumbling with slurring as he proceeded to blackout while I dragged him into the car and dump him on the backseat and started driving back to the dorm.

After we arrived at the parking lot of the dorm just then Y/N starts to slightly sober up and asks groggily "Where are we Jeong Yeonie"

I replied "Home." as I helped him up and walked towards the lift lobby but he still couldn't walk properly, so after we had reached the same level I tried pushing the dorm door open only to find it lock but its only 11:30 why would no one open the door, just then a drunk Y/N figured out how to use his keys and opened his apartment door only to trip by the curb and fall.

---Jeong Yeon POV---


I saw Y/N-oppa trip and landed body facing down on the floor as he tripped over the curb, I dragged him to his room and thought to myself 'hmm lets play a huge prank on Y/N and the girls, I'll pretend that we did it while drunk and then I'll reveal that its a prank when they start discussing what to do.'

So after that I dragged Y/N into his room and undressed him as I did myself and did some
make-up on my neck to make it look like he had given me a hickey, and I just went to bed beside him got to say hugging him is pretty nice though...

---10AM---(Next Day Y/N POV)

"What happened?" I mumbled as I grabbed my head due to the throbbing headache due to the drinking the previous night, as I look around I notice that I was undressed and Jeong Yeon was hiding under sheets but I wasn't sure if she was dressed but I guess not because she woke up in a state of panic and touched what seems to be hickeys on her neck and asked "Oppa what happened? Why am I in your room... WHY ARE WE UNDRESSED DID WE?!"

'Oh shit...' I thought to myself and just ran into the toilet with my clothes and I walked out looking at Jeong Yeon who gave me eyes which seemingly said 'How could you take advantage of me'.

"Lets eat breakfast." I said and Jeong Yeon crept to the table, and it was a very awkward well thanks to my phone the silence was broken as I received a text from doc "Mr L/N you may come in to get your stitches removed" I cheered while Jeong Yeon look at me puzzled and I showed her the text only to be greeted with a bittersweet smile.

After breakfast I said to Jeong Yeon in a reassuring tone "Umm, maybe we should talk to the girls about this but if anything happens I'll take full responsibility don't worry okay?" She just nodded with a smile.

---Twice's dorm---

"YOU WHAT?! OPPA HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO OUR JEONG YEON!" Nayeon shouted in shock as Jeong Yeon stood there being hugged by the maknae line

"Jihyo I don't know what happened last night I was drunk but I only remembered I blacked out after reaching home." I said with shame in my voice

"Y/N-kun... I don't believe you would do such a thing..." Mina trailed off as Y/N looked at Mina and she had eyes filled with visible disappointment.

"Okay that's enough, what're you gonna do now?" Jihyo said seriously

"I... I'll take full responsibility. Don't worry I'm not some ass hole that'll run away." Y/N said with conviction.

Just then, Jeong Yeon said playfully "Its a prank guys!! HAHA" and the girls just shout in Unison "Jeong Yeon!!!" while they just saw Y/N just looking down fist clenched "FUCK!" he exclaimed as he punched the wall and stormed out.

Jeong Yeon wanted to chase Y/N but the Mina grabbed her arm and told her to give you sometime to cool down.

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