Chapter 11: First Fan meet and announcement

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Direct continuation from chapter 10.

---In the car on the way to get food from a nearby cafe---

"Y/N oppa, thanks for today it really allowed me to release whatever I was bottling up inside of me and thanks for the treat too, I really liked the ice cream and waffles" Dahyun said in her usual cheerful manner as she smiled at me.

"Y/N oppa, thanks for today it really allowed me to release whatever I was bottling up inside of me and thanks for the treat too, I really liked the ice cream and waffles" Dahyun said in her usual cheerful manner as she smiled at me

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(Something similar to this)

"Oh no problem Dahyun its my job, and besides I've always wanted to know Twice better and I finally have my chance haha. But please do not be so formal with me I don't really like formalities, so just see me as a friend or older brother then since I'm 4 years older than you." I said as I tried not to blush.

"Okay Y/N oppa" Dahyun replied

---you continue to drive for another 15 minutes before reaching the cafe---

"Okay we're here follow me to get food for the members I can't carry all their food." you said chuckling.

Dahyun just acknowledged and followed me into the cafe where we got 9 sandwiches for the members and ourselves as we hurriedly rushed home to get the nine starving girls their food.

---You and Dahyun reach back to the dorm---

You walked in to your apartment first to check if Mina is there only to see her sitting on your couch as if she was waiting for you.

Mina said in a cautious tone in Japanese,"Don't go in there let Dahyun handle them."

"Ah it can't be that bad I mean what could possibly go wrong?" I replied casually in Japanese as I handed her the sandwich and drink I bought for her and headed over to their dorm only to hear her sigh and turn around and said "Relax Mina. I mean seriously it's 7 girls what could possibly go wrong." in Japanese as I walked into their dorm.

I was VERY VERY WRONG. "Girls, here's your-" I got cut off as I got mobbed by the other seven girls and had to literally(well not really literally but readers you get the point) push my way to the table to put the sandwiches and drinks on the table, and surprisingly the one pushing the hardest was Momo. But I couldn't care less all I wanted to do was get out of there before I lost an arm or leg.

I walk back to my apartment and gave Mina (hand gesture refer to gif attached) and sighed as I plopped on my couch only to see Mina give me the "I told you so look" while I just shrugged and chuckled as Mina just shook her head while laughing and flashing her gummy smile.

I walk back to my apartment and gave Mina (hand gesture refer to gif attached) and sighed as I plopped on my couch only to see Mina give me the "I told you so look" while I just shrugged and chuckled as Mina just shook her head while laughing and ...

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Mina left my apartment and went back to her dorm so I decided to text Jenny

You: Hey babe guess what I found a job! You're not gonna believe the job I got.

Jenny: Ooo whats your new job babe? and also when are you coming back, or are you still unsure of it?

You: I'M THE NEW MANAGER OF TWICE BABE!!! Ah well I don't think I'll be back so soon... maybe a few more months?

Jenny: OMG BABE CONGRATS ON BECOMING TWICE'S NEW MANAGER YOU WERE SUCH A HUGE FAN OF THEIRS AND NOW YOU'RE THEIR MANAGER!! I can still remember you saying that you would do anything to meet twice in person and now your're their manager I'm so happy for you babe. But that means you'll be busy right following Twice around?

You: Yeah sorry babe but I'll try to come back to SG if possible within the first six months so don't worry ok? I'll make something happen.

---3rd Person View---

You and Jenny continue to chat for a couple hours and before you knew it, it's already coming 10 and you haven't briefed Twice about the upcoming fan meeting. So you headed next door to brief them. 

---You enter Twice's Dorm---

As you enter the dorm by Tzuyu letting you in, you just saw everyone on their phones and decided to clear your throat to get their attention.


The girls all start looking at you one by one.

"Girls, theres a fan meet tomorrow I hope you girls are aware of it so as to prevent being late for the fan meet we will be leaving the dorm at 9AM sharp." I reminded.

"Jihyo Unnie and Dahyun already informed us already Y/N Oppa." Tzuyu said.

"Okay then. Goodnight girls." I said as I walked out of their apartment and into my own and head to sleep.

---Next day 7:30 AM Y/N POV---

I got up and washed up as quickly as I could so I could have breakfast and wake the girls up in case they were still sleeping. 

After having breakfast, I headed over to next door fully changed this time with a black jacket and not my coat. only to be greeted by a sleepy Sana "Good morning Y/N o-" She got cut off by Jihyo "Hey Sana come eat breakfast! Oh Y/N oppa don't worry everyone is awake already we won't be late!" She shouted over to me smiling.

I just nodded as I entered their dorm and sat on their couch waiting for them only to doze off 

---9 AM---

"Oppa wake up its 9" I heard a soft voice call out 

I open my eyes and saw Mina only to notice the clock behind her read 9AM I got up in a panicked state and called the girls down to the lobby where the van was waiting for us.

---11 AM---

The fan meet just started and Twice are performing a couple of their hit songs and my personal favourite "Like OOH AHH" and after performing they chatted with their fans and I suddenly saw them invite Mr Park on stage. Next thing I heard was "Can we invite a very special someone on stage." As I saw Mr Park signal me to come on stage as I walked on stage and received many weird glances and awkward silence only to be saved by JYP saying "Please welcome the new manager of Twice! Y/N" The crowd started erupting into applause and cheers and I picked up the mic and said "Hi everybody, I'm Twice's new manager as Mr Park has said earlier I hope you guys will continue to show Twice the support you've been showing them and umm yeah thats all I have to say." I saw JYP and the girls laughing at how much of a nervous wreck I was.

After that I went backstage and Mr Park approached me "Hey Y/N I know its pretty overwhelming but you'll get used to it" He laughed and pat me on the shoulder as I was still visibly sweating from the nervousness.


The fan sign ended and we decided to head back to the dorm first.
'Now then where should I take Mina too' I thought as I was heading back to the dorm being driven by Jeong Yeon due to my injured finger.

---Time skip next day---

A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry but the transitional chapter was already in the works before I had planned the Dahyun and Mina chapter  

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