Chapter 9:The Doc, The Boss, The Man In Between

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"Hey you forgot this." Jihyo said as she threw me my keys. "By the way, PD-nim is asking for you to go to his office tomorrow." She reminded

"Thanks Jihyo." You said as you caught your keys only to fumble and drop them, however you took that in stride and nodded to Jihyo's reminder as she was laughing at you.

---Time 00:50 Y/N POV---
"Well I can't really sleep so might as well just unpack whatever I've not yet unpacked." I mumbled. Just when I'm taking out my photos to place on the table near my bed I hear a knock at the door.

'Who could that be at this hour.' I wondered as I walked towards the door and open the door only to see Mina standing at the door. "Mina? What are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you be asleep now?" Y/N asked while scratching the back of his head. "Err, err I just came to check on you to see if your okay sorry if I had disturbed whatever you were doing before." Mina said in her usual soft voice while looking down. "Oh, no no you didn't disturb me Mina, I was just trying to finish unpacking my stuff by the way, who did the dishes and where did the cracked bowl go? Oh yeah would you like to come in?" You asked curiously. "Jihyo and Jeong Yeon unnie went ahead and did the dishes while you were asleep in my room while Tzuyu went to throw it at the dumping point downstairs. If it doesn't inconvenience you then okay." Mina replied.

After Mina came in I gave her a soda and myself a can of beer and told Mina that she could stay in the guest room for the night if she wanted only to she her blush. "Mina? Why are you blushing?" I asked "Oh its because it's my first time staying at a guy's house." She said "Ah I see well make yourself comfortable then." I said as I sat on my couch while drinking and watching a movie until I decided to go to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said to Mina

"Goodnight Y/N oppa" She said as she flashed her gummy smile and went to the guest room.

---Next Day 08:30 Y/N POV---

I woke up to the sunlight shining on my face and when I try to stretch both my arms I felt a weight on the right side of my body and when I looked down to see what that weight was. I was so shocked 'OH MY GOD ITS MINA I ACTUALLY JUST SLEPT WITH MYUOI MINA' I was screaming in my own head as I nearly jumped out of bed but restrained myself so as not to wake up Mina. She looked so peaceful while she's asleep. I slowly pry open her arms careful not to wake her up. Just when I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen I heard Mina waking up and stretching followed by a "Good morning Y/N oppa."

"Good morning penguin. Come have breakfast, it isn't much but this is the best I can do until the doc removes my stitches." I called out to her. "Y/N oppa do you have any plans today?" Mina asked as if she wanted to go out with me. "Umm I gotta meet JYP first and I may bring Dahyun to an ice cream parlor because I promised her yesterday that I'd make it up to the for not letting her help us out for the dinner preparations. Maybe next time Mina." I said the last part reassuringly which made her change from a pout to her usual gummy smile. "Okay I'm done with breakfast Mina. I gotta meet JYP now just leave the dishes in the sink I'll deal with them later." I said to Mina in a hurry, she just signaled to me "fighting" as I hurriedly changed into a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt and rushed down to JYP's office

---Time 10:30---

I lock the car and rush into JYPE lobby only to be greeted by the receptionist, however since you were in a rush you just brushed her off and ran to JYP's office.

You finally arrive outside JYP's office huffing and puffing trying to catch your breath. 'God damn I really need to get back to working out man running such a short distance and I'm panting like a dog' I thought as I was catching my breath.

"Mr Park permission to enter?" I asked

"Oh Y/N please come in and have a seat." JYP answered

I walked in to his office and sat across him while he was sitting at his desk

"Hows the hand Y/N?" He asked concerned

"I'm fine Mr Park thanks for the concern. Jihyo told you didn't she?" I asked JYP and proceeded to further tell him "Doc says to go back in a week to remove the stitches."

He responded with an 'mhm' and went on to further ask me "Do you need any time off to rest and recover? If you need I can cancel tomorrows fan meeting and put a public statement saying that twice are having a one week break."

"Oh its okay Mr Park, the fan meet can proceed as planned tomorrow but I do think that giving Twice a short break would be beneficial since they were done with'feel special' and other promotions recently, and the time given to then could allow me to further understand them better since I'm their new manager and haven't really got the time to truly get to know them" I answered in a serious yet casual tone.

"Okay then the fan meet will proceed as usual but in terms of their other schedules, you'll be in charge of arranging it just inform me if there are any changes so I can make a statement if needed to, by the way you're a hard worker Y/N I'm glad I chose you." JYP said in a serious tone.

"Thank you Mr Park, I won't let you down." I said as I stood up

"That's all for now Y/N I just wanted to check on your hand. You may go now." JYP said in his usual cheerful manner.

I nodded and walked out of his office with a sigh of relief, I honestly thought that I was gonna get chewed out by JYP but thankfully he was understanding enough to even offer me a week of sick leave to recover even though its only my second day on the job.

' Okay time to get back to the dorm and pick Dahyun up.' I thought to myself as I walked out of JYPE

A/N: Hey guys thanks for the continued support on the book please suggest who you want me to write Y/N to interact with as the next few chapters would mainly focusing on how Y/N interacts with the girls so please comment who you wanna see first and I will write the chapters in order of who is the most frequently suggested however, Dahyun and Mina are out of the voting poll as the next two chapter is already focusing on Dahyun and Mina and Y/N. So please comment who you want me to write about next. However, if there are no votes I'll just go by my own order.

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