Chapter 31: The Hunt is On

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"BANG!" A gunshot ringed off

and the next thing I knew, I fell to the ground realising my arm was shot. In shock, I saw the guards and Mike was scrambling along with to evacuate the girls but as I saw the girls get evacuated, Mina got dragged away at the cost of Mike constantly getting hit as he tried to stop them.

As I tried to get up, I saw Jackson approach me as he approached me he said "Now you will lose everything just like I did." As I saw him stomp on my face as I blacked out. By the time I came to I was at home and I was greeted by Jeong Yeon who was worried sick but managed to treat my wound under guidance of Mike, and as soon as I came to she hugged me as if trying to say "thank god"

"What happened?" 

"Well we were ambushed I'm sure you know that much as well as the fact that they got Mina. Now we are communicating with your boss what should we do now wait for help or launch our own under the radar man hunt." Mike said as his arms crossed sounding more vexed than ever. But as soon as he finished his sentence I received a phone call, it was Jackson but he wasn't calling from an encrypted line.

"Well I hope that gun shot wound on the shoulder hasn't killed you otherwise you wouldn't be living up to your name of the Smiling Demon. Well I'm going to skip the bad guy monologue and get into it you have 48 hours to find me otherwise she gets it."

"Y/N he wasn't using a encrypted line.... that means he wants us to go to him. I'll trace the call you go and plan what's going to be our next move and also maybe have a word with the girls they seem very shaken up over the incident." Mike said as he started tracing from where the call was made, I nodded and proceeded to walk to the living room where the eight of them sat.

"I know it may seems scary that one of you girls were abducted right under our noses, I'm scared too but rest assured I will get her back to you no matter what. I promise to bring her back alive no matter the cost even if it kills me, because I'm your manager and I mean what could go wrong?" I said trying my best to assure them to the best of my abilities just then Mike came into the room. 

"you've got a phone call." He said as he passed me the phone and went back to figuring out where the call that Jackson made to us was from.

Y/N: Hello?

JYP: Thank god you're safe at Y/N. I still have no idea how you always survive these sort of situation. But what's the situation over there now?

Y/N: Well I got shot for one. Secondly the girls are quite shaken up, and thirdly... Mina got abducted.

JYP: Mina got abducted?! We need to get the authorities on this!

Y/N: No. He's doing this to get to me, I will deal with him. Getting the authorities involved may lead to more problems.

Big Boss(Alpha Team): Well what do you propose that we do in this situation?

Y/N: A business trip.

Big Boss: A business trip? Unsanctioned or black?

JYP: To where?

Y/N: To these coordinates *sends coordinates*

JYP: It was bad enough with what happened in Korea. If you do this and complications occur you're the one with the rolling head. 

Y/N: Then don't complicate it. Big Boss stay out of this one, its probably not going to end well.

Y/N: Me and my contact will make the plan its under black so big boss, come at your own risk.

JYP: Are you sure you can get Mina back via this operation?

Y/N: I bet my life that I'll get her back to you in one piece even if it means exchanging it with mine.

JYP: Okay, *sigh* tell me the plan then execute it just make sure you come back in one piece along side Mina.

Big Boss: I'll see what I can do but I'll get your old gear back to you and your contact.

I hung up and proceeded to ask whats the status on Mike's tracing. Apparently Mike's contacts has provided intel saying that he's been moving around with more muscle around him than the president as well as the fact that he ahs been frequenting an abandoned warehouse everyday seemingly as if that there is someone or something in the abandoned warehouse.

I told Mike to continue tracking Jackson as i arranged for what the girls will be doing in the meantime as we embark on the operation, and we were also planning on how to execute the operation in the best manner. Eventually the plan turned out out be try to go in stealthily get Mina and I act as a distraction to allow Mike to get out of there with Mina. However, with all that planning it eventually leads to me being the sacrificial lamb to ensure that the objective is accomplished.

"A sacrifice worthwhile. no mission too difficult, no sacrifice to great. If this is needed then so be it." I said as I laid onto the backrest of my chair sighing.

"You're fucking nuts. Who's going to look out for the girls if you're gone? I ain't doing it I don't know a thing about-

"Thats exactly why I want you to be their manager." I interrupted 

"Which is exactly why you want me to be their manager?! HUH?!" Mike exclaimed in shock as he spat out his drink.

"Please Mike. Help me out."


---Next day---

Y/N: "JYP. The plan we have come up with requires us to have one person act as a decoy while the other evacuates Mina. I have decided that I'll be the decoy which means I may or may not be coming back in one piece."

JYP: "What about the girls?"

Y/N: I haven't told them this yet but, in the event that I don't make it back. My contact Mike will be my replacement, he is the best choice for a replacement.

JYP: I see...

I hung up the call and I sat back looking at the intel board as I let out a sigh, knowing that this time was different...

 "no mission too difficult, no sacrifice to great. huh... "

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