Chapter 1: departure

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"Hey Y/N wake up you lazy bum! you're gonna miss your flight!" your mom shouted

You shouted as your mom walks into your apartment screaming her lungs out. You get up and sit at the edge of your bed rubbing your eyes while thinking 'looks like there goes my plans to wake up at 8 and do my final checks' as you stared out your window as you saw your neighbourhood come alive as students and adults alike are rushing to catch the bus.

"Hey son, how are you feeling about this?" Dad said as he walked into my room.

"Well I just needed to get out of Singapore and start anew dad, don't worry though I'll take care of myself besides I've spent more time that what I should have in the army." You said as you chuckled while rubbing the back of your neck and your dad hugs you as he says "I know son, I wish you all the best, I know you'll be able to find success wherever you go. Just remember to come visit us once in a while alright?"

"Got it dad don't worry even though I'll be in Korea, but I'll always be a singaporean kid at heart besides, everyone is here sooo... I guess I'll come back whenever I can I guess." You said as you started getting slightly emotional. Only to see your dad chuckle at the remark and the sight of you getting emotional.

"You are always late old man! Stop delaying Y/N's time, he's gonna miss his flight if you talk to him any further!" Mom shouted at dad while cooking breakfast, which lead to them bickering as always. While they bicker I pack in some last minute items like a photo of my friends, family and my girlfriend.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mom shouted as I walked out of my room with my 2 luggages and backpack as I place them down on my couch and proceeded to eat breakfast. As I sat there eating I saw a concerned look on mom's face only to hear her ask "so how is jenny coping with the decision?"

"Well luckily she understands my circumstance and is supportive of my decision to move abroad" I answered showing a sign of clear relief

---Time skip 45 mins---

"Goodbye mom and dad, remember to take care of yourselves while I'm gone and don't miss me too much" I said as hugged my parents. After I finished tidying the house, took a bath and changed into a set of clothes with a nice black trench coat in hand as I wasn't sure of the weather in Korea, and just like that I set of for Changi Airport not turning back to take one last glance at my apartment where I spent the past 6 years living in it... will I be able to cope with the changes?

---Time skip 1 hour---

You arrive at the airport and just as you were entering the airport you saw your brother and a couple of your friends who panicked the minute they saw you. 'Uh oh this isn't gonna end well' you thought as you gulped.
You proceeded to the check in counter to get your baggage approved and to get your ticket.

Suddenly someone covered your vision with a black cloth and dragged you to somewhere only to remove the cloth and you see your brother along with your friends and Jenny with them shouting "SURPRISE" as they held up a banner reading
"GOOD LUCK Y/N" as I see all my friends, Jenny and my brother there I felt overwhelmed and start tearing up......

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