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Your life can become a mess so quickly, it's crazy. One second, you're having sibling time with your twin brother, eating ice cream on the couch, while watching some ridiculously cheesy Disney movie, and the next there's 4 police officers at your door telling you that your parents are murderers. It's like a plot twist, that would seem something that would only happen in a book or movie. But it happened. And of all people, it happened to me.

I cried for days on end while social services attempted to figure out our situation. I refused to go to foster care as did my brother. That is one place I will never go.

They didn't know what to do so they had to ask my parents. They told us that they wanted us to go live with her childhood best friend. Who lives in La. 2580 miles away from where my parents are being held.

Now my brother, Mason, and I are on our way to LA.


Hello Everyone! First, I would like to thank you for checking out my book! Second, I hope that everyone likes this! I have written 2 other books called "You Almost Caused My Death," and "Secrets," but none of them I have liked, and stuck with. But this one, I am sure I will stick with. 

Once again, thank y'all for reading! The first person to comment will get a shoutout, and I will do Q and A at the end of every chapter. Please not questions about where I am from or any personal questions similiar to that. 

Stay Safe, everyone!


P.S: If there are any mistakes I am sorry. It's because I don't feel like proofreading.

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