Chapter 46

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Laken's P.O.V.


"Have you seen Claira?!?" I ask Jacob, panic throughout my voice. She hasn't been here all morning and it has honestly scared me. It surprises me. Normally, Jacob would spastic, but he seems so calm and condensed.

"Tanner said she wasn't going to be at school today, that she had texted her that last night."

"Oh. Have you talked to her?"


"You should make sure shes alright."


"Because you're her boyfriend."

He scoffs, and laughs, crossing his arms. Then he walks off.


I pull out my phone to see if she's answered me yet, but hasn't even sent. All of my other texts are sending. Could it be her phone is dead or turned off?


I get in my car as the school day ends, and drive the 20 minutes to Claire's. Quickly finding the spare key, I jam open the door, finding Claire nowhere. This is up and till I hear water running in the bathroom. The light on, as you can see it while it creaks from under the door.


I bang on the door but there's no response.


No response.

"Claira Elaine!" I bang on the door, so loud I can hear the door shake.

There's no response.

I quickly reach tot eh top of the door-frame that holds the key, and unlock the door.

When the door opens, I find Claire. She's in the bathtub, water running, water all red. She has cuts on her wrists where it looks like her vein was completely cut, and her artery was cut the tiniest bit.

I quickly take a paper towel, as I grab my phone to call 911, and pressure the vein and artery.

Had her artery cut anymore she'd be dead.

"911, how can I help you?"

"My friend, I found her and she's bleeding rapidly, her vein are completely cut, and her artery is severed the tiniest bit. She has a huge cut on her head, and I imagine it's from falling. We need an ambulance."

"Alright, whats the address?"

"847 Oak Street, Apartment #52, Los Angeles, California."

"Ambulance is on its way."


"It's okay. Breathe. She's okay, Jacob. She's awake. They just told us that."

"I-i kn- I know that. But t-this is my fault."

"Hey, hey. No it's not. It's okay. Breathe. Take a deep breath." He hiccups and I smile. "We can go see her. DO you want to?"

He nods and stands up.

"Can you go alone?" I ask.

"I think."


Claira's P.O.V


My mom let's go of my hand as Jacob walks in, she gives me a silent look, and she leaves the room.

My wrists sting just looking at them, and sting worsts as I try to cross my arms.

"Shit, that hurt!" I yell. His attention is quickly at my side.

"You okay?" He asks, about to his arm around me. I flinch.

"I'm Fine. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry. Claire. I really didn't mean to hurt you like this. I just- I didn't mean to sound like a douche. You know I love you with all of my heart, and I'd give the world for you a-"

"Shut up," I say cutting him off. "I don't want to here your sappy ass apology. I've heard once, don't need it again. My question is, why is it that you don't realize you fucked up and need to apologize, until after you've hurt me. It's like I have to physically gl through pain for you to realize. You never to seem to care mentally. So no. I don't accept your apology. Go fuck yourself."

He's speechless.

I can't believe i told him to go fuck himself.

I'm so pissed though.

I don't even care.

He's a dick.

Guys are dicks.

I've now come to that conclusion.

"Okay. I l-love you, Claire." I see tears on his face.

Damn it. I made him cry. What do I do now?

"Wait," I say. "I didn't mean that. It wa a jsut the moment. I'm sorry I really didn't mean that. And I love you too, but we do need a break, okay? Not because of how you acted the other night, or what I just said, but because we just need a break. Two weeks? How does that's kind. If we both agree on earlier or later then we go with that."

He nods.

"And Jacob?"


"Before you go, thank you. I've never told you thank you for everything you've done for me."

"No. Thank you Claira."

He leaves the room and I'm left to my self.

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