Chapter 55

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"So she grounded you for the rest of your life?" Tanner asks, shutting her locker.

"No. When I'm rotting in hell or living a daydream in heaven i'll still be grounded."

"Pretty sure you're going to heaven, Claire. And I don't think she can ground you when you're in heaven."

"Maybe. She'd probably find a way."

"Has she told your mom."

"well considering my mom has called 17 times in the past few day that it has happened- yes."

"You gould call her."

"We have class."

"No I have class. You have Lunch."

"But Tanner."



Walking over to the lunchroom, I dial in my moms number.

"Hello?" She picks up on the first ring.

"Hi mom."

"So you've finally decided to answer me."


"You're coming home. For the week. You can do everything online. You need to come home."


"No. We're coming to get you after school."

"I can't!"




"Shit." I hadn't told her yet. "Yes, softball."

"Fine. After practice."



I hang up, and sit down at the seat next to Laken.

"Uh oh. Why so mopey?" His friend, Jackson asks.

"No reason. Laken I need you."

Just as I'm about to get up, Bailey and Livy, come and sit next to me.

"Guys i'll be back," I tell them.


Grabbing Lakens hand, I drag him out of the lunchroom, and into the janitors closet.

"Moms making me go home."

"For how long?"

"The week."

"And this is bad why?"



"He's going to fucking beat the shit out of me after what happened."

"Maybe you should tell someone Claire."



"Not an option."


"You don't understand, Laken. Telling someone is a life or death consideration."

"Claira Elaine. Tell someone."


"Okay. I'm done with you."

7 hours later.7:52PM
Grabbing my bags out fo the car and slamming the trunk, I walk to the driver seat.

"Thanks for driving me all the way here, Easton."

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