Chapter 31

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Claira's POV

Thanksgiving Day


Mom and Isabelle, bustle around the house, everyone trying to help, but getting yelled at to be banished from the kitchen, because they are nuisance.

That's what Jacob and I are greeted with as we walk into the kitchen, our grandparents, Lilia, and Lilia's aunt, all walking in behind us.

"So many people, such little space," I say, shuddering. Jacob stands behind me, grabbing my shoulders, with his good hand. It causes me to flinch, but afterwards it's comforting, as he rubs out the knot there.

"It'll be okay."

"It took you guys long enough," my mom yells, as we walk into the kitchen, separating from the others who walk into the living room.

"Well, I'm sorry you sent us to pick up grandma and grandpa, who live 7 hours away." She rolls her eyes.

Remember when I said we had no family? Well, we do, but they couldn't take us, because, one, they live in France, and two, they weren't qualified too. It's a long story.

"Oh Jakey!" someone says, as the front door shuts behind them. WE turn around, and people who I assume are Jacob's family, walk in the door. "I haven't seen you in forever." They have a Jersey accent, and it sounds so different than everyone else. "And who is this?" SHe motions towards me and I smile.

"This is my girlfriend, Claire. Claire, this is my aunt, Ana Lucia."

"Could you not find a girl with hair?" she asks. I turn flustered and blush . Isabelle looks up, urgency in her eyes.

"Ana Lucia," she scolds.

"it's okay," I assure her.

"Aunt Lucia. Claire has cancer," he says.

"Oh. Well, then nice to meet you, Claire." I smile, but roll my eyes once she can't see me, as Jake leads me over to his grandparents.

"Hi GiGi. Hi Papa." I smile at the nicknames he calls them.

"Jacob! Oh, how I've missed you. And this must be Claire?" she takes my hands as he shakes his hands with his grandpa.

"Yes, I am." I smile, shaking her hand but she pulls me in for a hug. She lets go and shuttles over towards our parents, immediately telling them they are doing everythign wrong. I laugh at her, as does Jacob, and we walk upstairs after greeting everybody, trying to escape any more social interaction.

We walk into my room shutting my door. I walk over to grab my computer to watch tv but he stops me, grabbing me and turning me to face him, careful not to hurt his arm.

He smiles and then kisses me softly, dropping my hands and grabbing my cheeks, with one hand. I kiss him back, letting my hands get stuck in his hair.

"I love you," he says, pulling away.

"I love you too. I love you so much more than you know." I pull him closer to me, and kiss him again, but rather than kissing him softly, I kiss him full intensity.

We stay there for a second, lost in our own world, that is until his hand starts sliding up my shirt. I'm not expecting it, and I panic, stepping out of his grip. His face turn apologetic and I nod signaling it's okay, standing back for a moment, panting from loss of breath.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay? I didn't know that's as- I shouldn't have done that- That shouldn't- I shouldn't have touched you there with your permission."

"Jake," I say, walking towards him. "It's okay. I promise. You didn't know it would scare me. You are right, you shouldn't touch me there without telling me, but it's okay. You're okay."

He nods. He still looks guilty but he sighs and smiles. I wrap him in a hug, just as we're called for dinner.
The doorbell rings as we are all sat at the dinner table, eating. I go and grab the door and am surprised by the faces that turn up.

Tucker is there, and Lilia runs up to him, as she hasn't seen him in time.

And Cash is there. We stare at each-other awkwardly, and I turn to Tucker, then back to Cash.

"Not be offensive to you, Cash," I start, then turn back to Tucker, "But why the hell would you bring him here."

"What'd he do?"

"You know what, never-mind. Come in." My voice is flat and monotonous. He nods, walking over the table, and when Jacob spots him, I can see the confusion. I nod to him, to assure it's alrihgt, but he still looks wary.

I see the boys giving him dirty looks, and Tucker as so confused as to why, it's almost funny. I can tell Lilia feels guilty for bringing him here, but I don't think she knew Tucker was bringing Cash.

"So. How have you been, Claira?" Cash asks after around 20 minutes.


"How are feeling?"


"How's chemo going? I'm assuming it's good, as it was not to long ago. Like I don't imagine anything's spread."

He chose the wrong question. We al just sit here in silence until I regain myself and answer.

"Yeah, yeah, no, everything is going good."

He nods and we continue to eat, but i can't eat anymore.

"I've lost my appetite, and I'm not feeling well. I'm going to go upstairs." My mom looks at me with worry.

"Are you okay? You don't feel sick do you? Like sick-sick? Can you take your temperature or something? And what's wrong? It's not anything bad is it? You don't feel dizzy or nauseous or-"

"Mom." I snap. "I'm fine."

"Okay." I walk up to my room, Jacob's footsteps following mine.

We reach my room and he looks concerned.

"Are You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Yes, I know, Claira. I didn't mean health wise. I meant are you okay. Because of what he asked."

"Yeha fine."

He sits next to me in my bed and wraps me in an embrace.

"Promise?" He holds out his pinki, the one that isn't in the cast, and acts like a 4th grade girl swearing to secrecy.

Alright yall, sorry about the mushy gushy shit.

Anywayssssss, what'd you think of the twisted turn? Let me know in the comments!

Have a great day


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