Chapter 12

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Claire's P.O.V
Later that day around 2:00PM

"Let's go," I say cracking my knuckles anxiously.

In the past seven hours, I have been told that we are headed to watch mom and dads trial, and that they are likely to be innocent.

Now, we walk through the Boston International Airport.

"What time is it?" I ask, checking my watch.

"It's-" I cut him off.

"You know that was a rhetorical question Mason so, can it."

"Someone's cranky."

"Not really, I just want to go surprise with Lilia." I put my phone in my pocket and pick up my luggage from the baggage belt.

"No. You're moody."


"You look shit too."

"You're an ass," I sourly shoot at him.

"I didn't ask for your attitude."

"I know. It's on the house." I walk over to the airport doors, as Mason crosses his arms, unable to come up with a comeback and Isabelle stifles a laugh.

"TAXI!" I yell as loud as possible, holding my hand out. A taxi that was roaming around the parking lot immediately stops at us.

"That was quick," Isabelle murmurs.

"Throw your bag in the trunk and hop in the car." I do just that and then rush over to shotgun, noticing that Mason is already there.

I sit on him and he seems unaffected.

"You're light as a feather. This doesn't bother me." I roll my eyes and elbow his gut as hard as I can.

"How about that?"

"You're a bitch," he insults, getting out of the seat.

"I'm not a bitch, I'm the bitch."

"Oh my god, can you guys shut up!" Jacob yells, finally catching up to us." I was literally like 15 feet away from you, and could still here you two dumb-asses arguing."

"And I'm the moody one," I mumble.

Jacob is sour about being here, but he doesn't have a choice. He has a baseball tournament here.

The taxi man takes off and soon we arrive at the hotel, and walk into the hotel. All of the boys are in the lobby, waiting for us to get here.

They came to watch Jacob because his team and him are at nationals.

They're good, really good in fact. But could they heath my old baseball team? Hell no.

Last year, I played on a team with the boys. I play first base when I play baseball, and pitcher when I play softball.

Anyways, they boys had to take a different plane and they got here about an hour or so earlier because I had to get tests to make sure I was good to fly first.

"Where's the car?" is the first thing I ask, and Drew leads me out the door and shows me the tall light blue truck.

"We rented you one because lord knows you'll be driving everywhere on this trip."

"Okay, thanks. I can pay you back," I offer, opening the wallet lanyard and starting to grab my money out.

"No need Claire. We can pay."

"You sure."


"Down. Now tell everyone I'm headed to Lilli's house."

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