Chapter 24

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Claira's P.O.V.

A month later


I slam my computer shut, letting out an inhuman noises as I plop on to my bed.

"DREW!" I yell from my bedroom. No response. "DREW!" No response. Irritated, I get up, and walk out of my bare, box filled, packed up room, over to Drew's. "DREW."

"CLAIRE." I immediatley cover my ears, from the loud noise.

"Asshat. Why hasn't Jacob answered me," I whine.

Jacob had to go to New York for college tours or something and had to leave to 2 days ago. I wasn't able to go, in fault of my health conditions, so he said he'd talked to me. But so far, he hasn't answered me. Once.

It makes no sense whatsoever. We were so close, and it was like we were dating for months. Now all of the sudden he won't talk to me.

He hesitates before answering, "Afraid I can't say."

"So you know why! HA." I run out of his room, and catch a glimpse of him rolling his eyes as I do so.

I run to Laken's room and he sighs at my appearance.

"What now?" he asks.

"You know something. Why is Jake not answering me."

"Can't say."

"Please," I beg.



"Fine, I'll give you a hint. He's livid."


Jacobs P.O.V.

Rewind 2 days


"What's your problem?" Ethan asks, as we get on the plane.

"Nothing," I grumble.

"Well it's obviously something," One of my classmate, Elizabeth, claims.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"Will you guys shut up, damn it!" I yell, running my hands through my hair.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Haley sings as she sits down at the seat next to me.

"Why are you sitting here?" Haley is the absolute most annoying person ever. And also one of my best friends. But she gets on my irritable side.

"Becasue this is my seat. Jesus Jake, could you be anymore negative?"

"Don't call me that right now."

"Why? Isn't that what most of us call you? I know Claire does and so does Drew and Maso- oh. What she do this time?"

"This," O say, holding up a photo on my phone to her, showing her texts from some guy named, Braxton.

"Jacob. Don't you think looking through her texts is a little.... invasive."

"I-I mean.... just look at the texts. 'You're funny' and 'You're nice.' Doesn't that sound like their flirting. And look what he sent her." I say. "'You're cute. When do you want to hang out again?' Doesn't that sound kind of sketchy?"

"You're overthinking this."

"Am not. Haley, Inthinks he's actually cheating. Or leading me on or something. I mean like 3 weeks ago she literally went up to her i'm, grabbed a backpack, and ran out the door. She didn't even say anything. She still does it. She literally did it two days ago."

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