Chapter 17

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Jacob's P.O.V.
"Alright y'all, we're leaving. Don't do anything stupid," Ethan, Claire's dad, says, giving her a threatening look.

"Didn't plan on it," she grumbles.

Her parents leave, and I sit on the couch in the small apartment. She turns on the TV and SpongeBob shows up. She leaves it at that and plops down onto the coach.

"I feel like shit."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just tired. And cold. I'm going to look for a blanket." She gets up and looks around the apartment opening cupboards and pulling out drawers. She comes back empty handed and shivering. "We took all the blankets with us. And I have no sweatshirts. Life sucks."

"You're very depressing today," I inform her and laugh. She glares at me. "Let's play a game. Do you have any cards?"

"Yes. That we do have. They're in my room. I'll go get them."

"I can get them."

"I got it."

"If you say so."


Claira's P.O.V.

Same time


I get up, my body heavy with fatigue and walk to my room. I grab the small deck of cards that I forgot I even had, out from under the floorboard, along with the journal I forgot I put under there. I open the journal as I stand up, and start reading it as I walk out of the room, but bump into Jacob who was apparently standing in the doorway. He causes me to fall and then realizes what happened and holds out his hand to help me up.

He pulls me up and soon I'm standing, my face only inches from his. Before I know what's going on, he kisses me. Out of complete and utter spontaniety. And what do I do?

Obviously, I kiss him back.

It's just a small short kiss, but it was my first kiss. Cash and Tucker never kissed me. There never was the right moment.

I suppose this wasn't the right moment either, but I guess Jacob doesn't do "the right moment."

Honestly, I could care less if it was the right moment. Because that was amazing.

He looks at me and I blush and smile.

It feels so awkward. Between the car ride, when  accidentally feel asleep on his lap and now when I kissed him, it almost feels like were a couple.

But I just got out of a relationship.

I think I need to regain trust in people in general and be assured that he won't cheat like Cash.

I look down and stop smiling.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just- do you like me? It seems crazy but after that I'm not sure if you like me or you just weren't thinking.

"Claire. I like you. You are amazing and perfect."

"I honestly don't know what to say." He chuckles. "I like you too. But why do you think I'm perfect."

"Because I've gotten to know you over the past however many months and I do. You're personality is spectacular. It's hilarious, but serious. And fun, but regal. And spontaneous. And I felt like we clicked once we got to know each-other. At first, I thought of you as a little sister. Now I don't." He smiles and I blush. We just stand there in silence until he speaks up again.

"It's strange isn't it, how I am falling in love with you, though we aren't even dating nor have ever been on a date together. "

"It very much is. It's strange to me, that the more you say things like that, the closer I get to falling for you."

"Then I could continue all day, but I'm not going to. I want you to fall for me by the normal me. Not the romantic, odd, cuddly me." He laughs and so do I. "So Claire. Would you like to go on a date with me tonight."

"I most certainly would, but don't you have baseball practice?"

"We got a break today. And then practice tomorrow and 1 game the next day. Same with your old school. Then hopefully, we play them in the championships the day after."

"Well then it's a date."

"Wonderful. You are going to cheer for our team, right?" I freeze not knowing how to answer this question. "Claire?" I don't answer. "Claire Elaine Johnson."

"Yes." A grin cracks on his face, ear to ear.

"Yes! You are the best."

"SO you've said," I respond, smiling. "Now let's go play cards." We walk out to the living room and play until my parents get home.


Claire's P.O.V.

6:45 P.M. Same day.


"Laken," I say, slamming the door open to the hotel room that he shares with Tessa. I got stuck sharing a room with Maddie. I'm not complaining though.

"Claire," he responds, not looking up from his phone.

"I need your help."

"What' you do this time?"

"I got a date with Jacob."

"No way," he says, happy for me.

"Yes way. Where is Tessa?" Tessa is his girlfriend who he has had for about a month and is desperately in love with her.

"She went out with Maddie." Maddie is Drew's girlfriend.

"Okay well, I'm raiding her suitcase." 

I pick up the huge suitcase that sits next to her bed and set it on her bed.

"It's your funeral. She's more deadly then your cancer is," he mumbles. I glare at him.

"Cancer jokes aren't funny asshole."

"Yeah, yeah. You've told me that like fifteen thousand times. It's so annoying," he whines.

"You're so melodramatic."

"And your super annoying so i'd appreciate it if you would leave."

"One second," I say holding my finger up to him as I think I have found the perfect outfit. "This is it!" I squeal.

"Good now leave." I flip him off and stick my tongue out at him, then leave, making sure to slam the door.
Once again, thank you too anyone who is reading this! I hope to have the next chapter up today or tomorrow! If you like this story, please add it to your library or reading list so that you get reminders!

If you notice any mess ups or mistakes in the story I am sorry. I just did a quick proofread!

Please comment on my story! The first person who does will be shoutout in the next chapter! And please give me Q and A questions too! I'll post them at the end of each chapter, but or made don't ask personal questions.

QOTC: Favorite place to visit?

AOTC: I have absolutely no clue. I don't really have a favorite place to visit per say, but if I went to a few of the places I want to visit, I'd say Australia or Paris would be my favorite?

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