Chapter 7

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Claire's P.O.V.


Il Cielo.

"Do you like Italian Claire!"

"Like? I love it."

"Good," Isabelle responds, as we hop out of the car.

Jacob walks up to me from behind and smiles.

"Has anyone noticed yet?" I whisper in his ear.

"Not yet. Not that it would matter if they did. I don't care. I look pretty sexy in this hat," he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not a chance," I say, laughing as I pull off his hat and dart off to the restaurant door.

"Bitch," he yells as his family stares at him.


I laugh and he catches up to me, along with his family approaching us behind him.

"When did you two get all buddy, buddy?" Drew asks.

"When he noticed my hair was falling out and shaved his head with me."

"Your hair's falling out?"

"Yeah," I respond and take off the hat. His eyes go wide.

"I can't believe I didn't notice," he chuckles.

"Why? Does it look that bad?"

"No. I just didn't expect the chemo to do that. You said it didn't last time."

"It's much more int-" I'm cut off by an interrupting Jacob.

"Hold up. You've had it before?" he asks.

"Yes. Where have you been these past few weeks? Living under a rock?"

"Baseball practice 24/7." I wince. I'm not allowed to play the softball season and everyone knows it kills me, no pun intended. "Sorry Claire."

"It's fine. Let's just go," I say, sighing, and opening the door. We reach our table that we have reserved and many people are staring at me. I'm not sure if it's because Isabelle and her husband are famous, and everyone knows they don't have a daughter, ot becasue they cna see I have a cancer.

I turn my head and notice the the family is staring at me too, even my brother.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I yell slamming my hands on the table. Mason points my arm.

There is a huge purple bruise down my arm, and a few red spots under my skin.

"Have you ran into anything lately, Claire?" Mason asks.

"Not that I know of."

"Fuck. You're extremely pale." Nausea hits like a wrecking ball.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to puke." I say, running to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and go to the toilet, puking my guts out. This isn't good. I exit the stall and stalk over to the full body mirror that I hoped would be here. I notice a few small bruises on my legs, another bruise on my other arm, and when I lift up my shirt a tiny bit, more red spots.

My bones ache extremely and then a sharp stabbing pain starts. It's not the normal type of pain. It's a change. Changes are dangerous and I need to get to the ER.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I walk back over to the door, but am stopped as a wave of dizziness washes over me, and gives me a headache, causing my vision to screw up.

"Gosh damn it." This is bad. A sign of dehydration.

"What's wrong?" A voice snickers. I whip myself around to look at the person and scrape my elbow.


"Aww, is your 'cancer' messing you up? Nice try, honey." God, I hate her.

The girl talking to me is Lauren. She and 90% of the girls at school hate me becasue all of the boys hang around me. They say the only reason I'm actually getting attention from them is because of my cancer. And they don't think I actually have cancer.

"Lauren. Cna you wait to annoy the fucking shit out of me later. This is kind of an emergency." Suddenly, I get really tired.

"Hmm," she says, pursing her lips. "I guess.... but first," she stops and out of nowhere, punches me square in the nose causing it to bleed heavily. They walk out of the bathroom.

"I hope you rot and burn in hell!" I yell, barely able to get it out.

My shirt is now bloodstained as I walk out of the bathroom and Isabelle and Mason gasp. Jacob, Drew, and Laken stare intently.

"Mason. Fever. I can feel it. And change." That's all I have to say. This has happened once before.

He knows exactly what I need him to do, and it's like he's reading my mind. Maybe it's twin telepathy.

"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?" the dispatcher asks. I feel like i'm going to faint but I try to keep my consciousness. I cannot whatsoever fall asleep. Isabelle puts her hand on my head and tells Mason I have a fever

"My twin has Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She has been going through her first cycle of chemotherapy. It took a toll on her and she feels extremely sick and is hardly conscious. She's also experiencing pain but not normal. It's a big change form the pain that it was originally."

I can hear the dispatcher talk to Mason but can't make out what they're saying. He nods.

Suddenly, I have difficultly breathing. I'm wheezing as I sit down in the chair.

"Claire," someone yells. I can't tell who it is as my vision gets foggy. "Claire Elaine Johnson." I don't answer.

"Claira Elaine!" They yell. I don't answer and the room drops black.


Laken's P.O.V.

10:37 PM

I pace around the hallway as Mason walks out of Claire's hospital room.

"Is she conscious?" I ask, voice full of hope. He nods, a look of sorrow on his face.

"The doctor said she will be and she's not comatose, but they don' know how long it will be. Especially because she had scraped her elbow at some point and the side of her face, Along with her broken nose bleeding severely. Her platelet count is very low so neither of the gashes clotted.

"She lost a lot of blood. They had to do a blood transfusion because she lost so much. She was under a lot of Propofol also known as a sleeping drug they use during surgeries. She's also under a heavy amount of anesthesia. The suspect she won't be up for a few hours."

We sit there in silence for a few moments, then we here yells from Claire's room. But not happy yells.

Distressed yells of panic.



Thank you for reading this book! I appereciate it greatly! Just so everyone knows I did change it so that Mason and Claire are twins. I also changed their last name to Johnson. I think. I might have done that last chapter.

If there is anything screwed up in the book I'm sorry. I had a whole chapter written out then found out what I was using for symptoms weren't severe. If there are any wrong facts in here, I am sorry. I'm trying my hardest to get all of the right facts about this. It's much more confusing than I thought an I hardly understand it!

Alright, feel free to comment anything you like! Especially, Q and A questions! Nothing personal though!

QOTC: What is your favorite freetime?

AOTC: Prolly hanging out with my family or dancing. (Not TikTok dances, normal choreography as in contemporary dance.)

Have a good day y'all!


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