Chapter 3

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Claire's P.O.V.

6:52 a.m.

I wake up to someone kicking me. Lightly, but hard enough to wake me and scare, causing panic and havoc. I flinch away covering my head, then redeem myself and stop. I look up and see a boy I haven't met yet staring at me, and I realize I'm at the top of the stairwell.

"What the hell are you doing right here?" He asks, voice in a tone that makes me able to tell her is weirded out.

"I honestly, don't remember. Who are you?" I do remember.

"Jacob," he responds, as he steps over me to go down the stairs.

After a few minutes of looking at my phone, and two more weird stares from the boys, I get up. When I stand up, I get really dizzy and fall back down to the ground. I feel extremely light headed, though I'm not sure why.

I walk into my room and change into a purple, almost gray short sleeve tanktop, and a pair of light washed jean-shorts. I put on a small gold necklace and a pair of matching earrings, then slip on a pair of checkered vans that actually match the outfit very well.

I put my hair into a loose braid and look into the mirror. I notice that I have another bruise on my wrist from catching myself. I also see that the bruises are very noticeable. I don't know what to do so I decide to go to Isabelle. I walk over to Mason's room whose room is right next to mine. Sure enough, he's in there.

"Mase," I say, capturing his attention.

"Hey sis," he starts, turning towards me, but he stops when he sees me. "What happened. Why do you have huge bruises all over?" he asks.

"I fell. Last night. And this morning. Like 4 times."

"I didn't know you were that big of a klutz."

"I'm not. I kept getting dizzy. I didn't fall that hard. I don't know why they're this bad. They bruised up within like three minutes."

"That's weird. Anyways, you should ask Isabelle for some makeup or whatever it is that you use all the time." I roll my eyes.

"That's what I was going to do. DO you know where Isabelle is?" I ask.

"In the kitchen. She made french toast!" he exclaims.

"Leave it to you to be this excited about food. See you later, Mason."

"Yeah, whatever." He goes back to packing his bag and I head downstairs. Surprisingly, I remember the way.

"Isabelle, I need your help. I feel like five million times last night and this morning because I was dizzy. Last night I passed out and that's why I was at the top of the stairwell this morning.

She turns to me and gasps.

"Yes. I can help. I can give you concealer to cover them up but I'm not sure it will help. Your best bet is to wear a long sleeve shirt."

"Ugh. I'm going to sweat to death. It's like 2,000 degrees here," I complain and trudge upstairs and back into my room.

I change into a different pair of jean shorts and put on a white long sleeve shirt that is semi-thin. Then, I trudge back downstairs and grab a piece of french toast. I eat breakfast without saying a word to anyone. No one says a word to me either and I think they can all tell i'm moody and irritable.

I get up and per usual, I get really dizzy, but this time, my vision gets all blurry. I fall. Again. I hear Isabelle gasp as I get up and I look at my arms and legs. I can see another bruise forming on my knee already. I sit back down on the bench and Isabelle looks at me with concern.

"Are you okay, honey? You look really pale, and you just fell. Did you get dizzy again."

"Yes, but I'm fine."

"She's not fine. She had a fever last night," Drew informs her.

"Seriously, Drew? You had to tell her." He shrugs.

 "She needed to know. I think there is actually something wrong. You could have like, a blood clot or something. Besides the excessive bruising, it makes sense. I mean the bleeding on your elbows started extremely easily last night. And you're elbows are bleeding again." Isabelle looks at him with worry.

"Maybe we should take you to the doctor, Claire. I mean he is studying to be one so he probably knows what he's doing."

"Ugh, this is unfair. I'm the one that this is happening to. And if I say I'm fine, I'm probably fine!" I exclaim. "And I want to go to school!" That's a huge lie. I'm dreading school. I just don' want to go to the doctor.

"Fine but I'm making sure Laken watches after you and makes sure you don't get dizzy. If you do get dizzy or have a fever, it's straight to the doctor after school."

"Okay, fine." I carefully stand up and head back up the stairs to my bedroom.

I grab my laptop and set it inside the white backpack that I had bought over the summer and used for school at my old school. I replace the old notebooks with new ones, and set the old ones on a shelf to use them for something else.

I grab a pack of pens and a pack of mechanical pencils. I grab my book from my nightstand and put it in my bag along with my AirPods. I pick up my backpack then grab the lanyard/wallet that holds my student ID, my credit card and my phone. Though my family was not the wealthiest, I had saved up for a car. I bought one on my 16th birthday and they towed it down here.

 I grab the house key Isabelle gave me and put it on my key chain along with my car keys and put it in a small, hidden pocket in my backpack.

I put my backpack on and get ready to leave. I walk out of my room and a wave of dizziness hits me. And I stumble over my feet, hitting the wall.

"Shit!" I yell, as I drop my phone on the hardwood floor. I regain my balance, and rub the sides of my head as a headache overcomes me. "Great now I have a headache," I say and lean my head back, banging it the wall. "Ow! I give up," I yell and see Jacob pass me, giving me a weird stare.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Absolutely not, but I'll live," I respond, picking up my phone, which managed not to crack, and then passing him to walk down the stairs.

"Whatever klutz." I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

"Isabelle, I'm leaving!" I yell.

"Bye!" she responds.

"Mason do you need a ride?" I yell up the stairs. He however, did not save up for a car.

"Nope! I'm getting a ride with Drew!" he answers.

"Whatever. See you later loser," I say leaving the house.

I get in my car, put the destination into my phone and drive until I arrive at school.


1194 words not including this!

Wow, Claire had a hectic morning didn't she? Do you think Claire's condition is just her getting sick or do you think it's something serious? And what about Jacob and Claire? They didn't seem to like each other. Jacob seemed kind of annoying. How about Drew snitching on her?

Thank you for reading this chapter, and don't forgot to comment. Or do. I'm not forcing you to comment, but the first person who does will get a shout-out.

Feel free to ask any questions as I do Question of the Chapter at the end of every chapter. Please do not make them personal questions!

QOTC: What's your favorite color?

AOTC: Hard decision between Royal Blue, or really any shade of blue and a blush pink. I also love the color Lavender!

Have A Great Day Y'all!


P.S. I did not proof read this!

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