Chapter 25

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Chapter 23
Claire's P.O.V
Three days after (It's Moving Day)
"I got it mom," I assure her, picking up the boxes to take to the moving truck.

"Okay. But you look pale. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She can see right through the petty lie.

"Let's talks," she suggests, sitting on top of a box.

"What if I don't want to talk." It's a genuine question. i don't won't to tell her, but i tell her everything so I will.

"Then you don't have to. But you should. What's going on."

"You know Jacob broke up with me. I told you that. But O didn't tell you all of the story." It's not long before I'm barely holding in tears, as my mom goes to give me a hug. I lay my head on her shoulder and since at the pain in my face.

She gives me a look of concern and confusion and I attempt to brush it off, but fail.

"Mom. H-he hit me." A look of urgency brushes across her face and she stands up.

"I'm gonna kill your dad."

"Not dad. Jacob."

"Oh, no, are you okay?"

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that he didn't hurt me physically. I mean he did, my entire face is bruised in proof. But he hurt me mentally more so. He told me he loves me, which I shouldn't have fallen for, and then left me. I should have listened to all of the adults when they said young love doen't last. Does it even exist? We were only dating for a month. Why would I ever think to respond and say that I love him? Am I really that stupid."

"You aren't stupid. You can fall in love young. It's incredibly easy. Believe me, I've been there. You can't control how you feel for him. It'll stay that way. And you'll probably feel in love for him, for a while longer. It will go away, just give it time."


"Meanwhile, I have to go beat up your ex-boyfriend."

"Can I help?"

"It'd make you just as bad as him."

"Fine. I'm going to take these last boxes up and then decorate my room."
30 minutes later

I continue on, painting the bare walls of the bedroom, a creme white color. And start to add the decorations I got after it's dried.


An 1 1/2 later

I finish my room right as the door rings. I assume it's my mom, so I run downstairs and open the door...

And Cash is standing there face to face with me.

Honestly, I was hoping it would be like any movie, where you walk downstairs and think it's going to be mom, but it's actually your ex.

Only, that's not the ex I hoped for.

Of all people, Cash is someone I didn't think I would see again for a moment's time.

I slam the door shut, turn around and just stand,  back to door for a moment. Once I regain my composure, I slowly open the door. I can handle this like a mature adult.

"Hi, Claire."

"What do you want?" I sneer.

So much for mature adult.

"I was going to say I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like your taking apologies."

"That's because I'm not. I've put up with enough of everyone's shit to last me a lifetime."

"So you mean I'm not the only one who messed up, big time, with you."

"Not the first, not the last."

"Well that's good news. I mean not for you. But for me."

"If that's what good news is to you, then sure. And, you messed up pretty bad. No one else cheated on me."

"What do you mean. Like in the past month or so you've had another boyfriend?"

"I'm sorry, is that not all right? I didn't know I needed your permission."

"You don't just- was it Laken."

"No. NO. Hell no. I would never date that dimwit. I love him like a brother, but I never would date him. Plus, he's dating someone. Her names Tessa, and she's really nice, actually. But she can be an ass. That's why they're good for each-other. Anyways, besides the point."

"So who were you dating?"

"That is for me to know, and you... not to know, I guess?"

"Claira, please."

"Cassius, no."

"Don't use my real name."

"Then don't use mine. Few people are allowed to, and after what you did, you are not."

"Please, Claire."

"If it really matters so badly, it was Jacob. Now good-bye."

I slam the door in his face and watch as he leaves.

I may have been a little immature, and a lot salty, not that makes any sense, but he was pissing me off. Why does he care. If he thinks he's getting a second chance, he's not. I bet Avery probably dumped his ass, and he just came here because he needs someone.

Just as he leaves, my mom pulls in the driveway.

"Did you actually beat him up?" I asked, full of curiosity, as well is worry for his sake.

"Are you insane? I don't want to go back to jail. That place was a hellhole. Anyways, he just got home. I was gonna let him get settled in first."

"Oh, right. He was in New York. Forgot."

"Claira, maybe you should talk to him. I'm not saying forgive him, but at least listen to what he has to say. He said he wanted to talk to you."

"But mo-"

"You said it yourself. He's your bestfriend."

"Yeah bu-"

"No. Go. Now. You can take the car."

"Fine," I grumble, grabbing the keys and walking to the car.

Here goes nothing.



Anyways, I hope everyone liked today's chapter! I just got back from Florida, so it was a quick right!

Thank you for 374 reads. That is insane, and you will never understand how overjoyed I am. I got over 74 reads, in 5 days, while I was away on vacation. I amazed and can not thank you enough.

No QOTC this chapter! Have a nice day!


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