Chapter 43

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The bell rings signaling the end of class, and the announcements come over the PA system.

"Good afternoon everyone. 3 announcements today. First, happy birthday to Abigail Kline and Cassidy Moore. Second, don't forget to buy tickets for next weeks track meet. Third don't forget spring softball tryouts signups are in the office as well as spring baseball are. Tryouts start in 4 days, for both softball and baseball."

I perk up and my gaze immediately looks at the pa system, comprehending ideas.

Can I convince mom to let me play softball?

"Claira," Laken snaps his fingers in my face. "Let's go, Jacob is waiting."

"What, oh. Yeah."

I grab my bag, flip my chair upside down and set it on the table, and follow the herd of people out of the classroom.

We approach my locker and find Jacob standing, leaned against my locker.

"Hey, Claire."

"Hello. Let me grab my stuff and then we can leave."

"Uh, actually I have to sign up for baseball."

My head snaps to get a clear look at his face.

"Oh. 'kay."

My locker slams shut and as we head to five. I'm a spontaneous manner, I blurt out the question that's been whirling throughout my mind for the past few moments.

"Do you think mom would let me tryout for the softball team?"

They look at me as though I've grown 4 eyes.

"No," Laken responds blatantly. My face drops. Jacob looks over at him giving him a glare.

"Babe," he starts, now standing in front of me, gently holding my arms. "I love you, but that's not a good idea." I look down. He lifts my head back up with his hand. "I don't mean it in a bad way- I just mean, I love you and can't see you get hurt. If you pass out or something in the middle of a game, or you break a bone, as fragile as you are in the moment, then it will be bad. It will hurt both you and the team. First of all, The team loses a wonderful player. I can't just swoop in like you did and won a championship game for you, love.

"Second, if you get hurt, I don't know what I would do. You've seen me panicking over you before."

I stay silent, looking down at my feet. He pulls me in so my head is on his chest and his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him now, and he sighs.

"I'm sorry. I feel like so just crushed your life's dreams," he apologizes.

"It's okay. I understand," I respond. My voice is monotonous. I love that he's trying to protect me but I'm also pissed. It makes me feel like he thinks i'm incapable of this.

"Let's just go." We walk out tot he car and ride home.
3 hours later.
"I got it!" I yell, to no one particularly.

I know what to do.

I don't tell my mom or Jacob. Then they don't know I'm on the team.

I dance around the guest room in Lilias house where i'm staying in joy, and jump onto the bed. Grabbing my phone, I pull up the school website and mark my name down on the list, along with my grade and phone number.

As I finish, I skip down the stairs. The time reads 6:15. I run out to the car, and quickly insert the key as I jump in.

As fast as possible, I drive to Dick's.
20 minutes later.

"Okay, Rawlings or Mizzuno? Rawlings is better glove, but far more expensive and if I get Rawlings and don't make the team then it's a waste."

"Are you talking to me?" A voice asks from behind me. I turn around to find a guy around my age staring at me. He has a uniform on and eye black, making it seem as though he just got done with his game.

"Sorry, no. I was just trying to figure out which glove I should get, for softball season. It's starring soon and if I make the team, I need a nice glove that will last, but there's a chance I don't make the team because of the little stre-" I cut myself short. Leave it tom me to tell my whole life story to a guy.

"Well what's the odds you make it?"

"Depends on if treatment has messed with my strength drastically. If it has- then 60-40 if it hasn't 90-10."

"Treatment?" He asks.

"Oh. Um. I mean complement. It was uh, this workout routine to gain more strength. If O completed it then my chances would be 90-10 I mean. I must of got it mixed up. Oops." I crack my knuckles, filled with anxiety. "Anyway, my name is Claire," I hold out my hand for him to shake it.o


"Nice to meet you, Cooper. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Depends. Where do you go to school."

"Centeral LA high. I'm a sophomore."

"Sweet. I go there too. I'm a junior."

"Junior? How ironic. My boyfriend is a junior.

"What's his name."


His eyes go empty. They look dead.

"Oh. Yeah I know him. Anyway I gotta go. Goodbye. See you around."

"See ya."

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