Chapter 59

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My eyes flutter open, breathing heavily as I awake from the bad nightmare. Looking at the clock, it 4:44 in the morning.

Jacob's arm is wrapped around me and he snoring heavily. Not wanting to wake him up, I just lay back down until the nausea hits.

Shit. Quickly throwing Jacob's arm away from me, I run tot he bathroom and sit down by the toilet.

After a few minutes of throwing up, I hear the door creak open, and find Jacob, sleepy eyed and half awake.

He sits down next to me and grabs a hairtie from the counter, sloppily putting my hair in a ponytail. He still holds it back after he does so, and sets one of his hands on my back, running it back and forth across my skin.

"Are you all right?" he asks.

I don't respond while tears well in my eyes, and I just continue to throw up, every few minutes, clutching my stomach as it hurts. I have cramps, but also stomaches and it hurts like hell.

"It'll be all right," he tries to soften the situation up, and make me feel better. After 5 more minutes I think i've finished throwing up. And I lay back against the bathroom wall, wanting to fall back asleep but not wanting to get up.

"Can we just lay right here?" I groan.

"If that's what you what then yes."

He lifts my back from the walls a little bit and let's me lay on his chest so i'm not against the un-comfy wall. He rests his head on mine and holds me, keeping me warm.

"Thank you," I murmur, half asleep.

"Anytime Claire, i'm always here to help you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."
10:46AM the next day
"How'd you sleep?" Jacob asks, stretching and we stand up from the bathroom floor.

"Well, aside from the nightmare I had before I woke up and had puked, It was good after we moved to the bathroom."


"Yeah. You look tired."

"A little."

"I kept you up."

"No. No. It's fine. You didn't keep me up. It's all fine."

"I don't want to keep you up."

"Claire it's okay, I promise."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is, Claira. I'll stay up for you. It doesn't bother me."

"Yes it does. You're exhausted. Please don't stay up tonight. If is get up jsut go back to sleep."



"Claira. No. This so the end of discussion, understood?"

"No. I don't want to keep you up for this. It's not your fault and it's not your responsibility."


"No. Jacob don't. Please. I originally didn't even plan for you to stay this long. Please go home Jacob. Leave. Go home and be with your Isabelle and your brothers for spring break because You don't need to be here. I've got this under control."


"Leave." I point it he door and he nods. Then he leaves.
Later that day.
Opening my email I check my inbox to see I have one email. Looking at it, I see it's from Northwestern University.

To whom this may concern: Claira Johnson.

Hello! We are from Northwestern University,and are picking select students to give scholarships to. On a regular basis, we wouldn't not give a scholarship tos. sophomore, but with the athletic ability you have and the GPA too, we have decided to give you an interview.

We think, that if you accept this offer, and come tot he interview. You have a likely chance of getting a scholarship. Looking a. ty our record, if you take the test your school offers, as you are sixteen and can do so, then you may be able to even graduate this year, with the seniors. You will have to work over the summer seeing as this is a difficult, but amazing opportunity.

We hope greatly, that you will take this interview, as this once a lifetime chance.

                   The administrator of Northwestern University.





Loving the Animal.

So jsut so you know there will only be a few more chapters, 2-3.

Thank you guys!

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