Chapter 39

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December 29th:

"So your mom didn't kill you when you got home?"

"Surprisingly no. But she did ground me. Which is why I had to convince my brother to give me his phone so I could call you right now. After 3 days of begging him for it he finally agreed."

"Well that's good."


Moment of silence.


"Jacob, he hasn't been seen for 3 days. We can't find him. He's literally off the grid. Like he's afraid we will turn him in if he comes back."

"You sound disappointed Claire."

"Just because he beat me doesn't make him any less my dad. I mean this is the man that up until i was like 10 or 13- I don't quite remember when it all started- he was one of the best people in my life. I don't hate him. He's not my favorite person but he's my dad and no matter how much i don't want to i'll always have a place for him in my heart."

He doesn't answer.

"Yeah sure if that's what you say."

"Jacob don't with that. You don't understand my side. You haven't walked a mile in my shoes. You would trip within the first step of you tried so please don't. I don't feel like dealing with this."


"Jacob why can't you just respect my thoughts."

"Because you're defending a psychopath."

"I'm not defending him and he's not a psychopath. He's my dad and no matter how bad he hurts me i can't let him go. He's my parent."

I hang up.

I don't let him say anything else.

I've never done that.

And O fully regret it.


I run down the stairs. "Yeah, mom?"

"Alright good news. We got a surgery date booked."

"Really? ThTs amazing! When is it?"

"January 13th."

And I almost collapse to the ground.

"Wow. So soon. Okay." I give. weak smile and walk up the stairs.

My legs are shaky.

My surgery is January 13th.

15 days before I turn 17.

14 days from today.

The same day as Ruby's death anniversary.

Something I almost forgot of.


2 days later.


I sit slouched over in a chair, staring at the same spot I have been for the past 10 minutes.


My head snaps up to Lilia standing in front of me."Mhmm?"

"Can you do my hair real quick before we leave for the party?"

"Yeah sure."

"Can you just do a braid on top then curl it.

"Sure. Then we can leave." I'm already ready as I'm only wearing a light blue top with black ripped jeans.

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