Chapter 15

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Claira's P.O.V.

Same time as last chapter ended


Lilia's eyes bulge out of her head and I swear, she almost falls out of the seat she's sitting in next to Tucker and my brother, when she goes to stand up."

"Mom?" she squeaks, voice filled with disbelief.

"We did it. I have proof. You can have our fingerprints and check our DNA. We did it because we were getting sued because we had stolen both of their cars and a few other personal belongings. It would have landed us in jail for at least 20 years, because we also had used weapons at first. We stole from them because we are running low on money, and would go broke and homeless."

"So you framed my parents and almost got them over 20 years in prison. One of your friends?" I spit.

"Nevertheless, y'all told me you earned that money, and you also told me you had no idea what happened to Claire's parents!" Lilia exclaims.

"Well then, I think that concludes this. We will do a few more investigations, but as of now Mr and Mrs Johnson, you are innocent. My brother cheers, but I just smile because I know Lilia is sad and embarrassed and all sorts of other emotions. I know. I felt it before.

It dawns on me, where Ellorie and Lilia will stay. I'm certain her parents won't let her stay with Tucker, not that they could because his house is small.

"Claire. Let's go," Jacob says, and grabs my hand, pulling me towards him. He looks back at me and for a second, I'm drowning in his bright blue eyes.


"What-oh, yeah, coming. Let me just, um, go find Lilli."

"Okay," he says, dropping my hand and giving me a smile. I give him a small smile, and head over to Lilia, who is still sitting in her seat, staring at the wall, emotionlessly.

I sit down next to her and wait till she says something, because if I know her, she will. Sure enough she does. And what she says is something I did not expect.

"He's falling head over heels for you so badly that he's tripping over his feet, and your oblivious to it."


"Jacob, dumb-ass," she says, not even looking away from her spot on the wall.

"What do you mean, he hates me."

"Are you stupid? I may not be the smartest person, but I can totally see it in his eyes. AN dthe way he's so protective of you. You were there when he helped after that baseball incident. ANd I saw him stop one of your panic attacks. I was going to help but he went instead. I didn't want to overwhelm you so I let him. Claira, I know love when I see it and that is love."

"God Lilia, your like the Aphrodite of the real world." She laughs at the inside joke from when were kids. She was Aphrodite for 4 years in a row for Halloween.

"Seriously, Claire. You should go talk to him. I've seen the way you look at him."

"Lilli, I just got out of a relationship."

"Yeah, a stupid relationship that the guy obviously didn't care about you."

"How compassionless, stupid, heartless, obnoxious, rude, narcissistic, and how much of a douche he is, is irrelevant to this conversation. And not right now, I have stuff to do. Like I have to go see my parents."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I have to deal with them on my own." Lilia knows what i'm talking about.

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