Chapter 50 y'all!!!!!!!!

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Claira P.O.V.
"Okay, are you ready?" Tanner asks from beside me.

"Not really, but yes." We sit watch the lacrosse game, fingers crossed they win.

As of right now, they're tied.

"Easton Castrote has the ball. He's sprinting down the field. He manages to swerve past #34- Matthew Wylie, who plays for the Wildcats.

"And he's speeding towards the goal, not caught yet. Go, go,go!


We all stand up and cheer.

"Yes!" I yell.

They won.

Which means the games over.

Which means that once i get home, he'll be there in 30.

Which means that in 40 minutes overall, i'll be on a date.

Fuck my life.

"Let's go, Claire. Lilia is at the house waiting, to do your makeup."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Go tot he car and I'll be over there in like 5 minutes." She rolls her eyes but listen, and I stand waiting for Easton, who is now in a group huddle with his coach.

I look away, and when I look back, I notice they're all gone.


I turn around, scared out of my eyes, to see Easton grinning.

"You suck, you know that?" I ask him.

"You're the one that chose to go on a date with me."

"Fine whatever just shut up," I say.

He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"So y'all won regionals?"

"Yes, that we did."

"Good. You did amazing out there."


"Mhmm. Alright I gotta go get ready now."

"Okay. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Yup. Bye."

I start walking of and he scoffs.

"What? No hug or anything?"

It takes me by surprise.l, but I walk back over and hug him.

"Bye," he says.


I walk to the car, and find Tanner standing by the window. "He's a keeper," she whispers, as she gets in the car.

I ignore her and we make it home to get ready.
20 minutes later.
"Damn Claire. You look good. Why are you all dressed up?" Jacob asks, walking past me in the hallway.

"Don't, please with the empty compliments. I'm going on a date."

His smile, turns down and his face turns to look as though he's sick.

"A-a date?"

"Yes, 'a-a date,'" I mock.

"Good to know."

He looks sad, but he doesn't realize tags how I feel when he brings a girl home.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just moved on quickly. It's kind of upsetting. I didn't think you would already start dating someone."

"Am I not allowed to move on? I was serious when I said we are not getting back together. And you have no room to tell me I moved on fast."

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