Chapter 1

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Claire's P.O.V

I sit there, in my brothers arms on this dreaded plane, sobbing.

"Claire, I promise everything will be fine," he says, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Of course everything will be fine to you! You act like this situation hasn't bothered you one bit!" I snap. He hasn't cried once, though I don't think I have seen him cry since his girlfriend broke up with him.

He just sighs as a response, and I sit up in my seat.

"We have now landed in the sunny city of LA! Enjoy your day!" The captain announces, and the flight attendant comes around to usher us out of the plane.

I grab the small mirror that I bring with me everywhere, and look at my reflection. I look like a mess. The tight bun I put my wavy, blonde hair in this morning has become messy, and not in a good way, and the small amount of mascara has run down on my face. My eyes are bloodshot red and It makes my blue-grey eyes looks silver.

We exit the plane, and I try to cover my face, looking down at the floor as if it's amusing. We grab our baggage from the baggage belt and stand around waiting. My brother knows who we are looking for as he has met the woman, but I have not.

15 minutes pass, and I could not wish to get out of here more than ever. My grey sweatpants and hoodie that reads UCLA make me look like I just got out of bed.

I hear a someone gasp and soon a a dark haired women with slightly tanned skin is rushing towards us with a huge smile on her face. She gives Mason a huge hug and rants on about how tall and how much older he has gotten. When she finishes, she turns to me, eyes bright as can be. I'm not sure how she can be so enthusiastic right now but I'm fairly certain that she isn't even that peppy, and it's just my jet-lag talking.

"It's wonderful to meet you Claira!" she exclaims. She grabs me in a hug and I flinch at her hand on my back, then relax.

"Yes, wonderful to meet you too." I give her a weak smile as my hoarse voice greets her.

"Well, let's get going shall we?" she asks.

"We shall!" Mason yells, and on instinct I laugh. Mason is such an idiot, but he knows exactly how to make me laugh. I notice they have already started walking. "Come on, sis! Let's go!"

"Welcome home!" she announces as we pull into a long driveway leading to a huge Californian styled house. It's beautiful and unlike anything I've ever seen before, but it doesn't surprise me.

In the 23 minute drive from the airport I learned that she, Isabelle, has only sons though I don't know how many and how old, and that she used to be a model and now helps with a. fashion line at Hollister. I also know that her husband owns a couple of car dealerships. Their family is exceedingly wealthy, and I have a feeling this life is going to be hard to adapt to.

My family and I were never poor, but we certainly did not have a lot of money. We were like the lowest of the middle class families. I never live in a huge house and had to share a room with my brother until 7th grade. Then I moved to the small spare room, because we needed privacy, and I was fine with having the small room.

"This is amazing, Mrs. Hart ," I compliment and she chuckles.

"Thank you! And you'd not have to call me Mrs. Hart please. It makes me feel old. Isabelle or Belle works." She gives me a warm smile, and I can tell she's an extremely nice person. I nod.

She starts walking and we follow her as she opens the door leading into her house. When she gets it open and we walk in, I'm astounded.

There's a staircase and 3 different hallways. I'm already lost, in a mental way, even with Isabelle showing is the way.

"Boys!" she yells, causing me to cover my ears and wince. She is loud.

2 boys who look to be about 14 come stampeding down the stairs, along with an adorable little kid who seems around 7.

"Hey. I'm Connor," one kid says and clicks his tongue while giving me a nod. I roll my eyes.

"Sorry about him. He's a 'ladies man.' I'm Bronnor. We're twins hence the rhyming names."

"How original," I mutter, quietly enough so no one hears.

"Don't worry. We're nothing alike. I'm quiet he's loud. He's an extrovert and i'm and introvert. Yet, somehow I have a girlfriend and he doesn't." He smirks and Connor rolls his eyes.

"Asshole," I hear him mumble and stifle a laugh.

"So you're the all famous Claire?" Bronnor asks, and I notice Mason had gone off to the kitchen with Isabelle to get food. Typical.


"Yeah. Everyone in the house is talking about you."

"Everyone? Aren't y'all the only ones here?"

"You're joking, right? And why do you say southern words? Aren't you from Massachusetts or something. Aren't you supposed to have a Boston accent."

"I'm dead serious. And y'all can be said by anyone. I just happen to use that term because I grew into the habit of it. My parents are from Louisiana and always say y'all. I do have a Boston accent, I just try not to us it to much cause people hate it."


"Yeah. So how many boys are there here?" I ask. His answer comes with no hesitation.

"7 not counting Mason." My jaw drops.

"Tell me you're joking."

"I'm not joking." I take a deep breath. This is so much yet so little to process.

"So where are the other boys?" I ask.

"Spencer is in college and will be home next weekend. He's 24. This right here-" he picks up the kid, "Is Hudson, He's 6. Drew is upstairs in his room probably. He's 18. Lord knows where Laken is. He's 16. And, per usual, Jacob is probably at baseball practice. He's 17. And we're 14." I perk up at the sentence baseball. I love baseball. And dance. Those are my two sports that I play. And occasionally football.

"Seriously. A houseful of boys. I'd rather live with animals, though this might be the equivalent. I guess I'm living with animals." He chuckles.

"Let's show you to your room." He leads me down a hallway, and my journey with them, begins.

1071 Words not including this!

Once again, thank you too anyone who is reading this! I hope to have the next chapter up today or tomorrow! If you like this story, please add it to your library or reading list so that you get reminders!

If you notice any mess ups or mistakes in the story I am sorry. I just did a quick proofread!

Please comment on my story! The first person who does will be shoutout in the next chapter! And please give me Q and A questions too! I'll post them at the end of each chapter, but or made don't ask personal questions.

For now I'll just come up with my own questions!😊

QOTC: What sports do you play?

AOTC: Volleyball and Softball! I'm going to try basketball next summer and I really hope to try contemporary dance and ballet but my mom won't let me. If I don't do any of those, I think I might, just maybe, tryout for the football team!

Stay safe everyone and have a great day' Thanks for reading!


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