Chaoter 49

85 1 0

February 25th

(So Easton and Claire have been hanging out a lot lately)
I sit on the couch, bouncing my leg and biting on the end of my pen.

"Alright, y'all ready for the game tomorrow?" Drew's voice echoes through the hall, into the living room as he stops. He has his stupid Lacrosse friends over.

"Drew, I'm trying to study." I don't bother to look over at them. "The ACT is in a few weeks and I need to study," I groan.

Setting my own down, I throw my hair into a messy bun, then get back to work. I have my glasses on, as my contacts were killing my eyes.

"Claira. We're supposed to have guys night. Before the game tomorrow. We need to relax. We need to get rid of stressors that the game causes."

"What stresses could lacrosse have? It's literally the gayest sport ever."

"Filter Claira."

"Shit. Sorry. That was rude. Not jsut to you. To multiple people. I shouldn't say that."

"Right. Anyways. Yes we do have stressors."

"Okay, we'll can't you and your stickball playing friends find somewhere else to figure out smyour stressors."





"Claira Elaine."

"Don't use my middle name," I say immediately looking up.

My eyes quickly land on him.


"Actually. You know what? Y'all can sit in here. It's not gonna hurt anything. But i'm gonna stay in here."

When I look at Drew he gives me the death glare. "Don't even think about it," he mouths.

"Too late. Already thought about it," I mouth back.

He flips me off and I laugh.

"I'll be back. I jsut have to go do something. Do not. Touch my homework. Or I will personally kill you."

"I quickly take off my sweatshirt and throw is cross my room once I get up the stairs. Luckily, I'm still in my jean shorts and yellow long sleeve from after school. We didn't have practice today, so I never changed.

I practically sprint to the bathroom, making sure my curls look good, and I add a bit more cover up to cover acne. I then make sure my mascara looks good, as well as my eye shadow.

I'm back," I say, entering the living room.

"Wonderful," Drew mutters. I roll my eyes and grab my homework, curling up in the corner of the couch. That is till I notice Easton chose the spot on the couch, right next to me.

He's not close to me out anything, not even touching.

Everyone is kind of talking amongst themselves, so as If i sun my homework and put it away in my backpack that sits next to me, I do the same.

Kicking out my legs onto the autumn, i Uncurl myself from the ball I was in while I sat on the corner.

"So. I feel like I know you," I say jokingly to Easton, who's quiet, not talking to anyone.

"Weird. I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere too."

We act as though we haven't seen each other since forever, when in reality, he walked me to my car after practice yesterday.

"Anyways, I have a serious question."

"I might have a serious answer."

I laugh my obnoxious laugh, just like I do at everything he says.

I've known him for like 3 weeks, and I totally like him.

Damn. What is wrong with me.

There's no way I can just be so done with Jacob.

I'm not.

I know i'm not. Becaus I still obsess over him every night.

But I sort of am.

Easton some how manages to creep into my thoughts too.

More than Jacob does.

Maybe I'll never stop loving Jacob.

Maybe I'll just find a live greater than his.

"Okay, so I thought you play baseball, but no. You play the preppiest sport ever. Why the hell would you pick stickball over baseball."

"Damn. You really don't have a filter."

"That I don't. Now answer the question."

"Okay, we'll, I do play baseball. Lacrosse season ends right as baseball games start up. And for lacrosse, practice ended once games started. Therefore, I'm into missing one night of baseball practice every week."

"That makes a lot more sense."


It's silent for a moment. But he speaks up.

"What are you doing tomorrow? After the lacrosse game? Are you going?"

"I don't really got a choice. Drew makes me go. But after the game I'm not doing anything."

"Well then. What would you say if I asked you out to go on a date after the game?"

"Well I think I'd say yes."


"But i need more time to think about it. I jsut got out of a relationship which his asshole brother," I say pointing towards Drew to analyze that I meant Drew's brother. "I'm not exactly sure if I'm ready to date again."

"You're in love with him aren't you."

"I'm not quite sure. I think I'm starting to get over him. Honestly, and ignore the cringiness here, but I think I just need to find a love greater than his."

"That could be."

"So yes, actually. It's been 4 weeks, just about. I need to get over him."

"So you're not just using me to get over him, are you?"

"No. I promise I'm not. I do like you. A lot. And I wouldn't do that to you. I know what that feel like."

I'm really not using him to get over Jacob.

"So you'll go out with me, is what i'm hearing?"



"Oh god. Disney romance movie in the making," Drew says, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Goodnight y'all."

A chorus of "Goodnights" and "Goodbyes" echoes and I laugh, as I trudge up the stairs.

What have I done?

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