Chapter 48

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February 6th (In the book) A saturday

"Come on, come on. Please answer," I cry, as I sit in the bathroom of their house, shaking still, trying to get Laken to pick up.

I've called Drew, Spencer, Isabelle, Mr. Hart, and even Connor and Bronnor. The only person who I haven't called is Jacob. I don't think I have choice whether or not to call him, and I honestly don't care if he's all kissed of at me. I need him.

I dial his number and he has picked up on fourth ring.

"Claira?" His voice is cold and bitter. I accidentally let out a sob, and the tone quickly changed to affectionate and concerned. "Claira, what's wrong."

"I- I need y-you to come pick me u-up. P-please. Now."

"Okay, I'm on my way, right now," I can hear him pick up his keys and open the front door. "Where are you at?"

"Cooper's house."


"Yes, the one in your grade."

"I know who you're talking about." I hear his car start up as he shuts the garage door. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. You're okay. Just breathe."

He hangs up the phone, and I walk out of the bathroom, but when I open the door, Cooper is standing right there.

"Who were you on the phone with."

"That's not of your business."

"Bet." He quickly grabs me as i'm trembling in fear and slams me on tot he floor. "You have one chance to tell me who you were taking to, before I do what I did to you upstairs."

"No. Please no. Stop. Please," I cry out.

"Okay. You asked for it."
"Next time, do what I fucking say," he says, leaving me almost there naked on the floor. I curl up in a ball, terrified for my life.

He walks down the stairs and I cry and shake. This is the most scared I've ever been in my entire life.

It worse than when my dad beat me.

This is absolutely terrifying.

It makes me want to die.

"Where the hell is she?!?" I hear Jacob's voice yell as the door slams open. I hear a smack across the face and the Coopers terrified voice says:

"Upstairs in the main hallways."

I hear footsteps up the stairs and before O know it Jacob is in view.

"Holy shit. Are you okay?"

I don't speak. Not because I can't. Because I don't want to. I jsut stay there, shaking as I have been and crying, letting tears rundown my body.

"Okay, breathe." He crouches down to me and sets a hand in the side of my face, but I flinch and move away.

"Please don't touch me."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Do you think you can get your clothes on?" I nod, reaching a hand to my clothes and he turns around. At least he has some sense of human decency.

"I'm good."

He turns around and looks at me with question is his eyes. "Is it alright if I pick you up tot see you to the car."

"Yes. Please. Thank you."

He nods and picks me up, as if I'm super light. I wrap my arms and legs around him, and he's careful to watch where he puts his hands.

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