Chapter 10

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Claire P.O.V.

6:00 PM

A month after Claire got home for the hospital. She's on her second one round of chemo. Her and Cash are still together. (Sorry for the time lapse but there is something big coming up and i'm excited to write it. Plus I'm having writers block and if I didn't fast forward, idk what I would right. I still don't know what to write tbh.)
"Hey. How are you feeling?" Laken asks, walking into my room without knocking. After finding out he liked me it was extremely awkward. Over time our relationship has gotten better and now it's not.

"Extremely fucking irritable so I hope you didn't come in here to piss me off. If you did, fuck off," I warn, not looking up from my computer screen. "And I have a 5 page essay to write about the challenges of human interaction before 12:00 AM and I am on a roll so don't distract me." He looks at me with disbelief.

"She assigned the essay 3 weeks ago. You seriously waited 'till last minute to do it?"

"I stand with my previous statement. Fuck off."

"Love you too." He walks out of my room. "Moody ass bitch," I hear him mutter and I chuck my pillow at him.

"Ow!" He exclaims. "Jesus, you throw like a girl!" I scowl at him. "That was a compliment not an insult." He disappears out of my sight.

I continue to write this essay, switching from tab to tab when Mason walks into my room.

"Can y'all not fucking leave me alone?"

"Where's the fun in that?"


"Cash said he wants to take you on a date."

"Okay, what time do I need to be at his house?"


"Why did he tell you this?"

"Because I helped him plan it and he was on the phone so I offered to tell you. He said to wear fancy clothes."

"Okay. So at 6:30 and at his house?"

"Actually it's at 7:30 but I think you should get there early."

"Why?" He walks over and sits down on my bed.

"Claire. Don't freak out when I tell you this."

"Now I'm freaking out."

"Claire. I think he's cheating on you."


"I've seen him at school with this girl, and he's hanging out with her all of the time."

"But, they could just be friends. I hang out with boys all of the time."

"But most of them live here. And we would tell him if you were cheating with one of them. And the other boys you hang out with have girlfriends."

"He would never do that to me."

"Don't be so sure."

"I guess I'll go. But if he is I don't want to drive home crying because my eyes will be blurry from tears. So, someone has to take me."

"Figured you would say that. Jacob is taking you."

"Jacob? As in the one that only has smart-ass, rude comments for me lately, Jacob Hart?"



"We are all going to  a party. He's the only one of us not. He has practice in the morning and doesn't want to be tired nor drunk."

"And he offered to do this or you forced him?"

"He offered."

"Well I'm surprised. Now leave," I say, and he exits the room.


10 minutes until she arrives.

I grab the small wristlet that matches the blush pink dress that I am wearing. It's the dress I wore for the homecoming dance last year. I had saved up to buy it and I'm glad I did, because it looks amazing.

I head fly down the stairs, stumbling twice in the tan wedges I'm wearing. I had to borrow them from Isabelle.

"Are you finally ready?" Jacob asks, with his voice full of enthusiasm for once when he is talking to me. I meet him in the kitchen and his eyes light up.

"Yeah. Let's go," I grumble. I'm terrified for this.

"Cheer up," he tells me.

"Jacob, I can't just cheer up. I'm pretty sure my boyfriends is cheating on me."

"At least, there are many other boys that like you."

"Yeah. I guess Laken likes me doesn't he?" His smile fades.

"Yeah, he uh- does," he says quietly.

After a 5 minute drive we arrive at Cash's house. I spot another car in the driveway, that I have never seen and my heart drops. I step out of the car, hurrying so the rain doesn't soak me.

Grabbing the door-handle, which is thankfully unlocked, I quietly walk inside while Jacob stays in the car. I take off my shoes and tiptoe up the stairs. I was here a week ago so I remember where mainly everything is.

I reach his room and open the door. There he is. Kissing another girl. Who looks like... Avery?

"What the fuck!" I yell, tears already in my eyes. "I knew it! Mason was right. You are cheating on me." I turn towards Avery. "And you. I cant fucking believe you. You betrayed me, and all the trust I had built upon you. I guess I'll just be leaving. Goodnight, assholes!" I yell, running right back  down the stairs.

"Claira stop! It's not what it looks like. He rushes down the stairs, after me, and not wanting him to catch me, I grab my shoes and run out into the rain, barefoot.

I slide into the passengers seat of my car, lock the door, and lean my head back against the seat. Cash bangs on the door.

"Drive," I instruct Jacob. He does as I say, knowing he doesn't want to mess with me.

We arrive home and everyone has left for the party.

"Shit, I have conditioning today. I forgot," Jacob says, out of the blue. "Will you be fine here alone?" he asks.

"I'm not five. Go," I say, running up the stairs. Isabelle and Max left for a business dinner and Hudson is at his friends house. It's just me, myself, and I. No one to talk to.

I debate calling my mom but I know she's busy. And I haven't talked to her since they were thrown in jail.

I know they were supposed to have a trial a few days after I was admitted tot eh hospital, but it got pushed back.

I change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a army green sweatshirt, raid the refrigerator for icce cream, and then head back up to my room and turn on To All The Boys I Loved Before, because why not?

After a few minutes of laying on the bed doing absolutely nothing, I pull out my phone. I look through the contacts and find a name I haven't called in months. Over 7 to be exact.


Thank you to everyone who is reading! Who do you think Claira called? And why did Avery and Cash betray Claira.

Feel free to comment!

QOTC: What color do you think looks the best on you?

AOTC: Blue (any shade), yellow, or cadet/army green.

Have a great day y'all!


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