Chapter 16

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Claira's P.O.V.


"Lovebirds," Connor sings, walking up to me and Jacob. I let go of him and give him a small smile, then wipe my tears before Connor sees.

"You're annoying."

"It's my superpower. WHy are your eyes all red? Are you high or on cocaine or something?"

Next to me, I see Jacob try to purse his lips and surpress a laugh but he fails and breaks out into laughter. I elbow him as hard as I can in the gut, and he squeals.

"You scream like a girl."

"Says the girl," he retorts. I flip him off.

"I'm a young woman, asshole." He rolls his eyes and Connor clears his throat.

"If you two are done flirting now, Isabelle's ready to leave. You need to talk with your parents and see what's going on with your living arrangement when we get to the hotel. That's what Isabelle said. She also told me she thinks you should ride with your parents to the hotel. Their possessions have been dropped off at your old apartment so she assumes you'll go there too. Your family's car was dropped off in front the building. And that's all."

"I didn't know you were mom's personal courier," Jacob teases.

"I'm grounded and if I want to get ungrounded I have to be on my 'best behavior' and listen to her, while we are on this trip."

"That's tough," I snicker and he walks away, cursing at us under his breath.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, but will you ride in the car with us. If we're going to the apartment, I wan t you to be there. In case, mom or Mason go get ice cream or something. There's an ice cream shop next door and it's my family's favorite place but I don't like it so I usually stay home and in spite of me, my dad offers to stay home too," I inform him quietly.

"Definitely, Claire," he responds, smiling and slinging his arm around me in a friendly manner.

"Touch me again and I'll fucking murder you." HE puts his hands up in mock surrender and smirks.


We walk up to my parents and brother and my mom smiles.

"Hey mom. Isabelle said we're going to the apartment, right?"

"Yes, we are."

"Okay, well I figured you might want to hang out with us for a bit so I got an idea. Today, you could go to the ice cream shop with Mason and Dad or something and then sometime in the next few days, since I'm staying here for Jacob's baseball tournament until it's over, we could do something you and I. Then you can hang out with both of us separately. Anyways, I was thinking if you do decide to do that, Jake can stay and hang out with me while y'all go."

"That's actually a very good idea, Claire. How does that sound you guys?" Mom says, turning towards Mason and Dad.

Mason nods and Dad gives a smile, that looks sweet, but is actually devilish. He's pissed.

"Sounds good, honey. Mason, Ethan, Let's go get in the car. Jacob and you can go ask Isabelle.Meet us at the car afterwards." They turn to go, and I see my dad give Jacob a deadly sneer. 

Jacob and I ignore him and head over to Isabelle.

"So Jake is my new nickname from you, eh?" he whispers into my ear, grinning.

"Shut up, ass hat, or that will be your nickname."

"Fine," he grumbles.

"Hey, Isabelle," I say approaching her.

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