Chapter 44

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Same day as last two chapters- still Claira's birthday.

"I'm going to hang out with a friend that I met. I'll be back at 8:30, Jacob."

I've decided to stay at Jacob's house, as Lilia and I need space form each other- as we've annoyed the shit out of each other for the last few days.

"'kay but be safe Claire. Who's house is it?"

"Just a kid from biology."

"Okay. Well I love you. Be careful."

"I will. I love you."
Jacob's POV
Claira leaves the house, just as I get a phone call.

"Julie?" I ask, as I read her name on my phone and answer.

"Hello, Jacob. Do you know if Claora got hwr card. I didnt wamt to ask her jsut ij case she didnt because its a surprise," she says.

"Card? What for?"

"Her birthday."

"Her birthday is today?"

"Yes it is. Do you kbiw if she did?"

"Not that I know of."

"Okay, Thank you."

Her hirrhday?

I pull out my phone, and text Claira.

"Why dodnt you tell me it's your brithday, babe?"
Clairas' POV

My phone chimes as I pull my softball bag out of the car, and I ignore it.

I roll it across the ground, carrying it toward the dig outs. Nerves roll into my stomach, causing stomach aches as my inside eats my insides.

My clear clack across the cement, and I wish I hadn't put the on in the car, as I didn't realize we had to walk on cement.

I drag my bag into the dugout, and hang it up, the pull out my face mask, glove, bat, helmet, and batting gloves.

I should only need my face mask if I'm pitching as ill show the coach I can play both third, centerfield, and pitcher because i'm a bad ass like that.

I mean really I can play anywhere, but I mainly pitch. If I can't pitch on this team though because we have better pitchers, then I can just be a utility  player.

"All right, everyone on the line. I want names, position/s, if you're good at bat, then if you're fast. And everyone should be thoroughly honest because I will be testing on these thing," The coach says as she walks onto the field.

We all line up, some girls chatting, others taking this seriously and standing in the line.

"You- start," she says pointing at me.

"Me? Oh okay. I'm Claire. I'm a sophomore, and I'm 16. Im a pitcher most of the time, in fact i was an all state pitcher when we lived in Boston. When I don't pitch I play 3rd, or center. Im amazing at hitting, but very slow and somewhat terrible at running as my hips are messed up and it causes pain in my knees. So no I'm not very good at running."

Hs enid's, writing a. few things down on her clipboard, and we continue down the line of people. A few people catch my eye and others don't. I remember Skyleigh, or as manly everyone calls her, Skye. She's a catcher. Then there's Livy, the first baseman. Riley is the right fielder.

"Alright everyone. I'm pitching Coach Becca. Y'all ca either call me Coach or Becca. Im 22, and am a pitcher at UCLA. The head coach is Ari, who is 24 and she will not be here till tomorrow, as she has softball. She plays for USC berkeley. The other assistant coaches name is Violette. She played for Alabama, but jsut graduated last year, and is 25

"Anyways, we need pitchers and catchers over in right field, outfielders in left field, and infielders in infield."
2 1/2 hours later.
"Alright, the team will be posted in the morning. Everyone have a great night."

We all nod and pack or bags, exhausted from today.

As I pick up my back and start walking out do the dugout, Skye catches up to me.

"So you're a sophomore, right?" she asks.

"That I am. You're a freshie?"

"Yup. Did you play last year?"

"Actually, no. I was at a different school. I moved here in August and went to school here up until Mid- September because something happened. I did most of my schoolwork online. Anyway, I moved away, around October, and am finally allowed to go back to school, so I'm staying with my friends for a while. It's kind of a mess, but I've figured it out."

"Why did you have to stops school for a while?"

The question throws me off guard.

"My dads job moved us around, and i got... sick... and couldn't go to school for a bit. It wasn't bad at all in fact is was practically nothing, I just couldn't go to school."

Wow. Great fucking lie.

"Oh. Well you're back now so I guess that's all that really matters. You're freaking amazing at pitching."

"Thank you, but I didn't do the greatest today. I wasn't pitching with as much velocity tomorrow, and I've thrown quite a few wild pitches today. Meanwhile, you, are an amazing catcher, you're fast, and have quick reflexes."


"Okay, we'll I have to get home because I told my boyfriend I'd be home at 8:30- and it's 8:52. I could probably meet you in the hallway tomorrow and we could check the team roster."

"Absolutely. That works."

"Mmkay, bye Skye."
10 inured later.
I sneak into the house and up to my room, quickly abandoning the softball clothes and taking a shower. I change into my pajamas, then as I go to open the door, someone knocks.

I open it, and Jacob stands there red-eyed, puffy face.

"Hey, Jake, babe, what's wrong?"

"You didn't tell me it's your birthday, didn't get you anything, and I should've known today was. You've told me before and i completely forgot. I feel like a terrible person. And then, I've been waiting for you to get home, cause you said you'd be homes tb8:30 and it's 9:01 and i come up thae stairs and somehow your on the shower. You'd care drugs shit out of me, I started panicking." His voice changes from daft and soft, to cold and irritated.

Well shit.

"No, no Jacob. Don't feel bad. I never actually told you when my birthday is. And as for the being late thing, I had gone i gn he back door becaus the front was locked."

"Why didn't you knock?"

"Didn't want to wake anyone up."

"No one was awake."

"Oh well."

"Claira, where we-" I cut him off pressing my lips to his

His hands move, one on my back one the sid rod my head. Both my hands are in his hair and he kisses me intensely, until he stops, pulling a way from me.

"Claira. Where were you?"

"Fine. I was at the football practice."

"Bullshit. No practice tonight." He steps further away from me. "Claira Elaine, where were you."

"Fine. I went to the skating rink with some friends."

"Claira, why are you fucking lying to me. I though you trusted me. I though I can trust you can."

"You can."

"Then why tell me where you were."

"I can't."


"I jsut can't gosh damn it! It's none of your fucking business," I slam the door in his face, and hear him yell in pain. Fuck. I quickly open the door, to find Jacob on the floor his nose quickly swelling as it bleeds.

"Shit. Jacob. Im so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Jus tho get me a towel then go away," he mumbles, standing up. I do what he suggest and then gl to my room.

Gosh I'm screwed.

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