Chapter 19

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Claire's P.O.V.
(When they arrive home after their date)
Everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, stops and looks at us when we get up and onto the floor that has all of our hotel rooms. All of the boys including Mason are playing Uno and Tessa and Maddie are having an ultimate connect 4 war.

"Why are y'all all soaked?" Mason asks in confusion.

"We went on a date and fell in the ocean. Well, more like he trampled me causing us to fall into the ocean but same thing. Now we have to go change."

I rush in and take a quick shower, then throw on a pair of grey sweatpants, and a t-shirt. 

I wait for Jacob to leave his room and then run in and steal his since I forgot mine. When I walk out, he eyes me.

"Is that my hoodie?" he accuses.

"It might be but only because I forgot mine," I warn.

"Aww, someone has a crush," Connor sings. I run up to him and tackle him, then shove my elbow into his gut. "Okay, okay, i'll stop." I get off of him and take as seat next to Tessa.

"How's it going?" I ask.

"I'm going to fucking murder you in 3 second so I suggest you get a head start," she threatens.

"I'm not going to ask why I'm just going to run." I run away and Tessa corners me.

"70 bucks and I'll let you go."


"You ruined my clothes. That outfit was expensive."

"FIne," I say, pulling out my phone from the sweatshirt pocket. "I'll Apple Pay you."

"Good," she responds, walking off.

"What a bitch," I murmur walking back over to Jacob.

"I can hear you," she yells.

"I'm going to find my parents. Want to come with me?" I ask him.

"Sure," he says.

As we make our way to where our parents are staying, Jacob slides his hand into mine.

And that was when I knew I was falling. Falling hard. For him.


Claira's P.O.V.

2 days later at the championship.

Claira's new school is playing Claira's old school in the championship.


"Come on Jake!" I yell at the top of my lungs from the dugout. The team convinced the umpires to let me sit in the dugout. Actually, we told them I was the team manager and that's not entirely true, but it could be. I've helped them with enough plays before. "You got this, you've been working for it all season!" Jacob is last at bat if he is able to hit a homerun. The game will be over and we will win if he can.

Carter throws a strike and he swings but misses. He then grabs his shoulder as if it's bothering him.

"It's alright, brush it off!"

Carter gets ready to pitch and then does. Strike. Jacob didn't even swing for it.

"Hold on!" Coach calls urgently, walking up to the batters box. He grabs Jacob and pulls him towards the dugout. I run out there, and look at him straight in the eyes.

"Are you okay? What's going on with your shoulder."

"I'm fine," he snaps, and walks back up to the box. I stand there in shock for a moment and then go back to sit on the bench. He hasn't snapped at me like that in a long time.

"It's all or nothing," one of Jacobs teammates calls.

Carter winds up to pitch and it's perfect. Jacob swings........ and he..........misses.

"Damn it!" he exclaims, throwing the bat when he gets into the dugout causing a linus clang. He goes to pick up his glove but when he stretches his arm out, he winced, and immediately grabs his shoulder.

I walk up to him and grab his arm.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing," he snaps.

"Jacob, this is not the time for games. You're clearly hurt and it worries me," I snap back, shouting. He shrugs my arm off him and when I don't let go he goes to hit me so I it and I flinch. He did hit me. On the cheek. Hard. Im taken aback. It wasn't a friendly hit. It was more of a "i'm livid and irritated and need to get my anger out on something," touch. I know the difference. I've felt the difference. I don't think he realized what he was doing but it doesn't change anything.

Jacob's eyes soften and his face goes solemn then he goes to hug me and I dodge out of the way. I ignore it and walk around him, picking up my phone that I left on the bench along with my phone, then leave the dugout and walk up multiple sets of bleachers to reach everyone.

I sit down next to Tessa and she can clearly see I have RBF.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Jacob's irritating, that's all."

"You act like y'all are a couple and you just broke up jesus christ. Take a chill Claire. It will be fine."

"You don't understand Tessa." I stand up not wanting to sit by her, or anyone else and decided to go back to the dugout, but avoid Jacob at all costs.

Jacob is still in the dugout and I see that he's icing his shoulder while his coach frantically paces the dugout. He sees me and it's like a lightbulb over his head.

"You," he says, pointing at me. "You can play center right?"

"Yes I can. But will I? No."

"Please, Claire?" Jacob asks. And that is why I give in.

"Fine. But i'm still pissed at you."
What did y'all think of this chapter? Do you think Claire might be overreacting? Or do you think that because Jacob did that and knew it was wrong, it is actually bad.

Feel free to comment!

Have a great day!


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