Chapter 27

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Claire's P.O.V.
Arriving at the hospital
I check into the front desk, greet the boys, Isabelle, and her husband, then walk into Jacob's room, only to find him sound asleep, snoring loudly.

I don't wake him up. Instead, I go and sit on his bed. Not saying a word.

And I then lay down taking his hand in mine, and wrapping my arm around him.

It sounds weird to just lay with him, and make myself comfy while he's sleeping, but I know him well enough to know that, even though he hates me, there's a possibility he might be happy i'm here. Happy, I can be here to comfort him and promise him everything is alright.

I lay there for minutes and soon my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep.

Jacob's POV
I wake up, only to find that I am laying next to a heavily sleeping Claire. Her arm hangs off the bed, looking as though she once had her arm wrapped around me, and she flipped over while she slept.

She shivers, so i'm natural reaction, I put my arm around her now, and I wince at the shooting pain, pulling her up to me. I hug her tightly, knowing that once she's awake it'll all be hell again, and we won't be like this.

It's the only clip, only memory, that I can remember of us, anymore. The time I hit her then shoved her. Just as her dad did. Doesn't that make me worse than him. Knowing that he did that, yet still doing it to her. It makes me a horrible person. Especially, after I went off on her last night.

All she does is care for me, help me, she's there for me. And I acted like that.

I can't believe I thought she would cheat.

I know she's been hurt like that before, so why would she want to inflict the pain on someone else?

I shouldn't have been snooping on her phone anyways. It's not my property, it belongs to her. I should trust her enough, to know that she isn't.

I'm an idiot.

And she's not going to take me back. SHe doesn't want to be hurt again.

And that's what makes me start sobbing, so quietly, in hopes not to wake her up.

And I fail.

"Jake?" Her voice is hoarse and groggy from just waking. She's not facing me and her eyes are closed, so I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes, taking a deep breath.


"Yeah I know I'm getting up."

"No, you can stay. Just let me pretend you sitll love me for a minute, because you're not going to take m back. Or at least, I'm not going to let you." Damn it, that sounded manipulative. "I didn't mena that in a guilt trip way, sorry that came out wrong. I just meant like, I don't want you to take me back, because I'll only hurt you, and I know that you're irritated with me, and don't love me like you used to."

"I know what you meant Jacob. And you're semi-right. I'm not goign tot ake you back, for my own sake. I need to be myself for a little bit. But you're wrong on the part about me loving you. I do love you Jake, no love has been severed from what happened. BUt as of right now, it's a best friend love, and it's going to dtay that way for some time. For now, I'll still be here for you, and care for you. As long as you swear never to hit me. That's all I need from you. That you swear to god that never will you ever hit me in anger, irritation, or to get your feelings out. Please."

"I swear to god. Cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my eye, if I lie." She laughs at my response.

"You sound like me in 3rd grade."

This makes me laugh and we continue to lay down on the bed, turning on the TV, me with my arm wrapped around her, not in a relationship way, but a friendly way.

"How are you feeling," she asks sincerely.

"Well my arm hurts, but it's probably nothing. I hope they tell me what's going on soon." the moment I say that she looks at me like a deer in headlights.


Claira's POV

The exact moment the Jake's POV ended.


"WHat do you mean?" I ask. "They told you, didn't they?"

"No I haven't been told anything. All I know is my mo came in here crying, but no one told me what's goign on.

Questions scramble through my head, but the biggest one of all is "should I tell him what's wrong?"

I decide no, as the doctor walks in, Jake's parents and brothers following, Laken giving me a thumbs up as well as Bronnor doing the same, and Isabelle smiling wholeheartedly at us.

"Good morning, Jacob! How are you feeling?" the doctor questions.

"Fine. My arm aches a bit. Have you figured out what's going on?" I stiffen at the question he asks, and he clearly notices, so I give him a superficial smile.

"Yes, we did. Jacob, i'm sorry about this, but you have Osteonecrosis. Originally it was Osteomyelitis, but it was there for 2-3 months resulting in bone death."

"But what does that mean?"

"You're goign to get surgery to remove the spot on your bone."

"And I'll be fine then right?"

"Depending on how you do in physical therapy, if the bone heals correctly, and regains all it's strength, yes. But, it will take at least a month and a half for you to heal. Which, also means no sports, for now.

"Wht happens if it doesn't heal right?"

"Well, considering the infection is throughout your shoulder and arm, you may have to have an amputation if heals incorrectly. So I suggest you make sure to do everything in your willpower to heal it."




how are you guys? I'm tired and bored an procrastinating because I don't wnt to do my homework, even though I need to.

NAyways, I hope everyone liked this short filler/repair chapter. It's really bad i know so yeah. ANd since the drama between Jacob and Claire is fixed, guess what that means.

MORE DRAMA SOOOOOON :))))))))))))))))))))

I love drama.

Anyways, have a great day everyone!


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