Chapter 40

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He leads me up to his room and pulls out a t-shirt and pair of shortish shorts

"Here's these cause I assume you don't really want to be dressed up right now. I mean if you do you I can go grab your clothes from downstairs and bring them up here. It doesn't matter- whatever's better for you. And those shorts are yours by the way. You left them here a while ago."

"Jake, these are fine. The shirt is fine- this is all fine. Now I need to change. I'll be back in like 7 minute- cause i gotta wait for the bathroom."

"Claira, you know you can just change in here." He sits down on the bed, and starts scrolling through his phone.

"If that's good with you, I will change in here, but can you get out so I can?"

He looks puzzled. "Uh, yeah. Sure, if you need me too. I didn't think you cared."

"I don't really, I'm just semi self conscious."


"You know why. Now stop pushing the limits and get out."

"Okay," he leaves the room, shutting the door fully closed, and I slip out o the swimsuit, drying myself off, then slipping the clothes on.

I start to put my hair in a loose braid.

"Okay, I'm done," I yell, as I finish the loose braid i put in my hair.

He walks in, and his eyes are immediately on me, where I stand in the far too oversized t-shirt which covers my shorts. I get nervous and blush.

"God, you look hot."

"Jacob, i'm literally in comfy clothes hardly wearing much besides a shirt. The shorts are short enough, they qualify as underwear practically."

"I'm okay with that."

I roll my eyes at him. "I figured. Let's watch TV or soemthing."


I lay down on his bed and turn on the TV that's across on the opposite wall to his bed. He smiles and sits down next to me as I switch in Outer Banks. We're on episode 7.

He lies down and wraps his arms around me, causing me to feel tiny next to him. I'm cuddled in his arms, as we watch the movie. He misses my forehead and I smile the he kisses me.

"Morning," I say, groggily, as I stretch. I stand up, knowing I have to clean downstairs though I want to do nothing right now.

He's not awake yet, I realize, as I walk over to the mirror.

I loin terrible. My eyes are red and makeup all over my face.

My hairs a mess, and I don't quite know why, as it's knotted and out of its braid. And I realize i'm wearing nothing.

"Fuck," I say, realizing why.

In a rushed panic, I run over to the bed, and shake Jacob rapidly, until he wakes up, seeming all pissed.

"Why'd you wake me up."

"Cause. What happened last night. Did we...?" i ask nervously. His eyes go wide.

"Yes," he answers, very quiet.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck." I roughly slip on my t-shirt, underwear, and shorts, then brush them rough my hair.

"Chill, why so panicked?" He asks.

"Because last night."

"Did you not enjoy it?" he asks, smirking.

"Not the time to joke about this. Your parent s will be home in.... an hour. " We're fucking dead. And did we even-" he cuts me off.

"Yes I made sure we did, so lamaze chill out. It will all be okay."

"But it might not."

"Claira stop it. We're fine. You go down there i'll be there in a second."

I nod, and jog down the stairs, waiting's t the bottoms of the staircase for him. He comes down wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, hair not tamed.

"Okay but seriously, you did enjoy it right?"

"Fuck off," I say flipping him off.

"That's a yes."

We walk out tot eh kitchen, and see that it's already clean. The rest of the rooms are the same, and we find the bus sitting outside by the pool.

"Did y'all clean up all on your own?" I ask, truly surprised.

"Yes we did. We figured you wouldn't be up till now. It looks like you had a...long night," Laken answersI blush and Nacob shakes his head. I see ho mouthing to Laken to shut the fuck up.

"Just stating the truth."

Jacob shakes his head and walks away.

"So you banged my brother?" Laken asks. I look down at the forums cracking my knuckles, as i'm anxious.

"It's a possibility."

"Okay." He goes back to look at his phoen Nd O roll my eyes walking a way.

It's going to be an awkward, fun filled, afternoon.
Local-Psycho-08 don't come at me for this one. I've been waiting to add it  and as weird as it is- it was the perfect spot.

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