Chapter 21

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Claira's P.O.V.

They are on the plane headed back home.


" I love you too."

I don't think Jacob realized what I meant when I said "I love you."

Yes, I did mean it lovingly in some variety. But, I almost meant it as I love him.

It seems crazy, that I can fall in love with someone so far from a distance, not even dating, but I have. I fallen and I literally can not get up.

"Claira. Stop fantasizing about you and Jacob," Lilia says. I flip her off.

"Shouldn't you be sitting with Elle?"

"She's right next to me," she claims, pointing to Elle who is sitting in the middle row. Lilia and I have the window seat and the seat next to it. She hates the window but I love it so I offered to sit there.

"Does he like you, Claire?"

"Why the hell should I know?" I say, lying and trying not show.

"He does like you doesn't he? And he told you."

"Yes he does, now will you shut up. You're loud."

"FIne. But has he taken you on a date?"

"Yeah he took me on one a few days ago."

"And you didn't tell me?" She says, shocked.

"You have your own life problems."

"I hate you."

"Your boyfriends flirting with that girl," she whispers into my ear after a few minutes.

"He's not my b-" I stop when I see that she was right. "I'll be back. Actually I won't if this works well."

"What about fries before guys? Or sisters before misters? Or bella's before fellas. You can't just abandoned me like this!"

"You encouraged this. I'm just taking your advice like you always say I should."


"Love you too. And i'm not going to leave you again. Remember... no matter how many friends I have, no matter how i talk to them or spend time with them, Always remember that no one can replace you-"she cuts me off, remembering the pact from first grade.

"You were, are, and always will be irreplaceable. I can't believe you remember that."

"Of course," I answer smiling. "Now I have to go stop that-" O stop myself from calling her rude names. "Girl- from stealing my future husband."

"You're an idiot."

"I know."

I walk over to the girl and see they are still flirting. I put on my panicked face and get ready to act.

"Excuse me, I really need to talk to him."


"I'm not feeling well."

"And why should he care."

"Because he's like my brother and knows how to help me, and if I ahve a fever I need to go to the hospital bitch." She gets a scared look as I uncatiouslly say the last part. She stands up and moves seats. I sit down with a triumphant smile on my face.

"You're fine, aren't you?" he asks.


"So you just manipulated a poor girl."

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