Chapter 34

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Claira's POV
The Next Morning
I'm wrapped in Jacob's arms- his light snores echoing through the room, but being slightly drowned out by the show we left playing last night. I shift in my spot, trying not to wake Jacob up, but fail. He's stirs, slightly opening his eyes- then smiling.

"Morning," I greet, groggily.

"Morning, babe." I blush.

"What is it with you and the pet names all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, I just think it's cute to have them for you. If you don't like them I can quit though, it's not a big deal!"

"No, no, no, you don't have to quit calling me them, in fact please don't because every time you do that I blush and get butterflies, plus they are cute. They were just so random."

"Okay." He picks up his phone, looking at the time. "I should probably get out oft your room before our moms kill us for being alone in here together- nevertheless me sleeping in here."

"Alright. I'm going to get dressed. And guess what?"

"What?" he seems slightly confused.

"It's Christmas Eve!" He laughs at me jumping for joy then gets up and leaves the room, leaving me to change.

I slip on a black crop-top tank top, pair of dark jean shorts, and then a red flannel. It's so weird to me, being able to wear such summery clothes in the winter. It's almost 70 today. 68° on fact. But it feels like 76.

I walk out of my room and hear the sound of the shower, so I assume I have 30 minutes without him. I quickly run downstairs to find my mom and Isabelle, talking while holding coffee.

"Where's Laken?"

"Good morning to you too, Claire," Isabelle responds. I give her a look, signifying I want messing with her. "Okay, fine. He's outside trying to coax Tessa to play catch/football with him."

"Thanks." I run out the back door? and see Laken with a impatient look on his face, and Tessa with an irritated expression.

"Laken! I need your help." They look over to me, and Tessa mouths the words 'thank you' and I assume it's for getting him to leave her alone.

"What'd you do this time?"

"I need to get a Christmas present for Jake."

"And you need my help- why?"

"Because I have no clue what to get."

"What do I get from this?"

"You get promoted to my most favorite person (besides Jacob) in your family?"

"That's a good deal- but not enough."

"Whatever- what do you want?"

"You got to help me practice for States for football."

"You could just asked me and i would have said yes. I love football."

"So deal?"


"Okay, let's go." I quickly run my fingers through my hair to make sure it's not a mess, then run to the car.


Jacob's P.O.V.


"Where's Claire?" I ask, reaching the kitchen.

"She went shopping with Laken," my mom responds. My heart drops.

"Alone?" I ask, and she gives me a stern look.

"Jacob, don't pull this bullshit again. You already broke up with her once for accusing her of cheating when she so clearly wasn't. Don't put her through that. You weren't even here to see how sad she was when you weren't answering her at all."

"And you didn't see how greatly it affected her when you broke up with her," her mom interrupts. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"That wasn't the point of this off subject conversation. I need your help with Claira's present."

"The present would be?"

I whisper in my mother's the present and tell her not tell Claire, Mason, or Claire's mom. I don;t tell her the most important part, though.

Her eyes go huge, as Julie- Claire's mother- continues cutting the food for lunch/dinner, muttering about how she never gets told anything.

"Anyways?" I say aloud, clearing my throat. Their attention turn towards me. "I need two things. One: I need to know where  I can get 6 dozen flowers. Two: I need money for said flowers. And money for another part of her gift. So I need like 300 dollars. Please? I'll give you the remaining money and pay you debt after I figure out how to pay it off." Mom sighs.

"Can't you ask one of the dads. I mean I'm sure your dad has some, adn if not, you can ask Claira's dad. I'm sure he'll give you some."

"No!" Julie bursts out. "WE can give you the money, it's fine. Ethan won't have money anyway." 

It's not surprising she burste dout yelling like that. Ethan would never give me money for her. NEver in a million years. He sick, cruel, asshole.

"I got it, Julie. It's Claire's present anyways." Mom smiles and grabs out her wallet, handing me her credit card instead. "Listen to me. If anymore than 400 is spent, then you're grounded."

"Yes, mom."


Claire's POV


"Do you think he would wear this on his car keys?" I pick up a silver keychain, beholding a locket that could hold a picture of us.

"He'd wear a miniskirt if you asked him too. Hell, he'd wear high heels and red lipstick if it were you asking him too." I laugh at him, and set the keychain down.

"I really don't know what to get him. But, you are creative. Come up with soemthing. You could do a collage of phtos together or something."

My head perks up.

"A collage?"




"Not often will you hear me say this but- you are the smartest person ever." He smiles and looks at me like i'm crazy. "Let's go. We need to go to the art shop." I grab his arm and pull him trough the mall.

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