Chapter 28

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Claire's P.O.V.
"Wish we could turn back time. to the good old dayyyys, when our mama sang us to sleep but now we're s-," I sing as I walk down the stairs to start cleaning up before my dads home, but I'm cut off when his silky black car pulls into the driveway.

I immediately dart down the rest of the stairs, trying to clean everything up before he walks into the house, but fail to succeed, so instead, I hide.

"Claira Elaine." Is voice is menacing and scary, and I can confirm he's angry. I run through all of the things I did (or didn't) do, and come to the conclusion that there is no reason he should be agitated with me."I know your down here," he claims, his footsteps getting closer to the closet I'm hiding in.

Instead of making the punishment worse for myself, I quickly sneak out of the closet, behind the back way and make it look as if I'm just now walking out of my room.

"Yes, dad?" I ask formally, trying to not seem like i'm mocking him.

"Why isn't  the house clean?"

"Because I had homework?" I respond, but it comes out of more as a question.

"Whatever. Get the house cleaned up. The Harts are staying for the Thanksgiving weekend."

"Jacob's coming down here?" I ask, excitement thrilling my voice.

"Yes, now go before I get more irritated than I already am," he instructs and I know that's my cue to leave.

I'm surprised to be happy by something my father has said. It's on rare occasion that this happens. Especially with how he's- hurt me, these past few weeks.

But I am.

I haven't seen Jacob in a little less than a month.

And between chemo treatment and school for me, as well as physical therapy and school for him, we both are struggling. We haven't talked much.

Throughout the entire month, we haven't called and only texted twice. And I haven't asked him how his arm is doing. I'm to afraid too, for his sake and mine.

I run out to the living room and start their, first taking care of the papers that lay astray across the coffee table, then grabbing the heap of blankets that lay, thrown on the couch.

I finish with the living room after quickly dusting, knowing that if I didn't, my dad would have my ass.

I head to the kitchen, and realize this is going to take a lot longer than I thought.


The doorbell rings and I dart out of my seat, running into my brother in the process.

"Jake!" I yell, opening the door, jumping on him the moment I open the door.

"Hi, Claira," he manages to speak, as I am hugging him ever so tightly. "Claire. I missed you a lot too, but your hurting me." I laugh quietly, letting go of him.

"How are you?" I ask, noticing the cast up and down his arm.

"Good. What about you?"

"Great, but I miss seeing you everday, and having you at chemo sessions. Plus the doctors aren't any fun, and they hate it when I help the kids prank them."


"The younger kids with cancer, like me."


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