Chapter 42

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11:32PM the same night as last chapter ended
My mom runs my back, hugging me to calm be down as I hiccup in between cries.

"Why can't I go see her?" I cry, putting my head in my hands. I imagine i look like a toddler having being sad, or a kid having their mom or dad help with math homework, but I honestly don't care.

"Claire, honey, I wish you could but the doctor said you can't. I know you miss her. It's going to be okay."

"No it's not. Why'd she have to -hiccup- go?"

"It's not fair."

"Honey, I know but we can't control it."

"Yes we can. It's my fault. I could've controlled it. It's not fair."

"Claira stop it."

"Mom, I just want to go see her."

"You can't. I'm sorry."

I just sob.

And tell her to leave and not let anyone come back in.

I sob until I can't anymore.

15 days later.

Recap: Claira is now at home and doing much better. She went and saw ruby the moment she was out of the hospital. Claira has not moved into the apartment as she did not take the offer that Jacob had given her for Christmas, and she is still living with her family. But last night she stayed in LA with lilli, as she is going to be for the next few weeks. Her mom is with her in LA too.

I groan as I sit up, my body still sore from the surgery.

Two special occasions today.

Today is my first day back it school in months. I have convinced my mom and the doctored to let me, S much as they disagreed with it. I had to literally beg them. They're making me wear a surgical mask though i don't want too.


Today is my birthday.

January 28th.

But honestly. Only my family knows. And Lilli.

But Not even Jacob knows.

And O don't want them too.

"Good Morning<3" I text Jacob.

Then I set my phone down and decide to pick out an outfit. Considering the fact that I still have bandages on, I don't really want to wear tight clothes today.


I really want to wear something cute and "stylish". I throw on a red top with flowers all over and buttons down the middle, then a pair of blue ripped jeans, rolled up at the bottoms. I grab my shoes and my backpack, and carry them out to the kitchen, setting them on a chair.

"Happy Birthday, bestie!" Lilia exclaims, running over to me and drawing out the "e" in the word bestie.

"Lilia please don't tell anyone it's my birthday.  I don't feel like everyone knowing."


"Because I don't like attention."



I finish getting ready, simply curling my hair, brushing my teeth, and only putting coverup on to cover my acne, then I walk sluggishly into the kitchen.

"Ready?" Lilias aunt- Sofia-  walks out of the kitchen.

"Ready as i'll ever be."
I walk in through the doors, mask in my face. The hallways are empty, and I realize I have two minutes to get to class before i am late.

I quickly walk over to my locker- which I still have as I never unenrolled from this school- and set everything I don't need- besides my backpack and my phone, into my locker.

Racking my brain to remember the class I ahve- I remember I have Music Appreciation  for first hour.

Quickly rushing to class, I take a deep breath at the door and then knock. Someone opens the door but as I walk in I can't tell who, and assume they sat down already.

When I turn to the classroom, I notice everyone has a mask on.

It takes me by surprise.

How did they manage to get everyone to wear a mask?

I walk over to an empty seat, and luckily, there is one by Laken.

"Did you do this?" I whisper, sitting down.


"Then who did?" He smiles as if i'm an idiot when I ask this.

"Why don't you ask your lover?"

My heart explodes in butterflies at the fact that he convinced them all to do this for me.

He really does love me.
Finally, in the one class i have with Jacob.

11th grade math.

I walk in the classroom, sporting Jacob who also has a mask on. He managed so that other people only have to wear a mask during the class they're in with me. Not sure how he did it but he did.


His head snaps over to me from the conversation he was zoning out of anyway-and I can see him smiling with his eyes.

"Hey babe," He says, leaving the conversation with his friends. Butterflies flap around in my stomach, making me nerovius for no reason.

I embrace him in a hug and he wraps his arms around me tightly.

His cast had finally came off a few weeks ago, but his muscles in his arm are still week.

"Thank you," I say, squeezing him. "You're the best, you know that?"

"I know."


"Alright class, take your seats. We're doing lesson 23 today."

I sit down in a seat next to Jacob and as the teacher talks- we just continuously pass notes to each-other.

Gosh, I love him to death.
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't written anything- but I have been camping all weekend.

Anyways- thank you for reading, and the next chapter will pick up still on Claire's birthday, but later that night.

Have a nice day y'all!


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