Chapter 32

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Claira's P.O.V.


And just like that as pain surges through my body, I'm thrown across the room, causing a loyd bang and sobs to flow out of my mouth.


Jacob's POV:


I'm awaken by a loud bang from somewhere, and then a strangled cry. I roll back over to my side, covering my face with the blanket, trying to avoid the ruckus. The noise dims down and I'm almost asleep, that is until I realize what said noise may be.

Jumping out of bed, I run over to Claira's room, only to find her balled up in the middle of the floor in only underwear, crying. Blood goes down her back, stemming from a large gashes and scratches scratches on her back. She's shaking.

Son of a bitch, her dad. What a fucking asshole. I'm going to beat the shit out of him.

"Claira?" I exclaim.

More sobs.

I walk over to her, careful not to touch her, and sit next to her.

"Claira. You'er okay. I promise. No one is going to hurt you again. I'm here now." I know saying those things won't help but it's most likely the best comfort I can give. I want to get towel and clean up the blood, and take care of her scratches but it would only scare her more.

"Claire. I;m no-"

"Go aw-go away. D-don't touch- Don't touch m-me."

"I won't I promise." Her sobs make me want to cry.

"P-please d-don't hurt me. Go-go awa-away. St-stay away." She hiccups in between words. I back up but she only panics, and starts scurrying to a corner. When she reaches it she goes to sit with her back on the wall, and hit's it. Letting out a scream of cries and yelps.

If on cue, hers brother and Tucker run into the room. Lilia follows behind.

"What the hell?" Mason exclaims.  "Claira!" He rushes over to her and then looks over at me. "What the hell did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything, I swear!" I hold up my hands in false accusation."You liar! You fucking hurt her. Get out of here! I don't want to see you again!"

"Mason! I didn't do anything!"

"Get out!" he yells. Before he hurts me, I run out of the room.

He slams the door shut, and I can hear him on the other side of the door, trying to calm her down. Eventually he succeeds, and I run to my room, so that Lilia doesn't see me as she walks out to get bandages.

"Is she okay?"

"Why do you care?" She shoots back.

"Lilia, do you actually think I'd hurt her?"

"Well it seems the only logical explanation as you were the only one in there."

"God, I can't believe you. Of all people, I thought her best friend would realize that I wouldn't do something like that. It wasn't me it was-" I stop myself. I can't tell anyone.

"Who? Who was it?"

"I can't say."

"Then I have no reason to believe you."

"Fine. Don't. Just tell me if she's okay?"

"She's fine. She's snapped out of her daze. She's good now."

"Can I go in there and see her then?"

"Hell no." She walks into the bedroom and slams the door.

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