Chapter 56

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Same day 10 minutes later.
"Claira! Are you feeling any better?"Mom asks, walking into the bathroom as I puke my guts out.


"Okay. I have an idea honey. It's probably nothing but we should check."

And she hands me a pregnancy test.
5 minutes later

"Okay. It's done," I say.

"Ready to see the results?" she asks.

"Tell me, why am I scared ever though i know the results will be nothing."

"I had the same feeling when I was your age. Then I found out I was pregnant. With you. And I fucked up my life. But it's okay, because I love you, and wouldn't trade you for the world. I mean obviously it's not okay, but."

"Mom, you were 19 though. Not 17."

"Sweetie, you're not going to be pregnant. Let's just check it."


Grabbing the rest of the counter and quickly look at it. It's says....

"Not pregnant. Thank god," Mom says.

"Yes, thank god."

"Okay. Do you need anything since you're good."

"Nope. I jsut need to go tot he bathrook. You can leave."

She nods, leaving me to myself and the box of pregnancy tests.

I didn't actually do the test. I didn't want mom to be here for it. I was afraid.

But i'm going to actually do it.
7 minutes later
It's been over 5 minutes but I'm scared to look at it.

Breathe, okay. Ready to look...


5 hours later
I told my mom about Easton coming over and she said it's fine, which is perfect, as he's knocking on the door.

Is as surprised she didn't say anything about my puffy eyes from crying, but I assume she thought they were from being sick.

"Claire!" He says as I the door and he gives me a big hug.

"Easton." On hug him back but it's not as tight.

"Claire, what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you Easton."

"Oh no. What'd I do wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing."


"Sort of."

"Oh gosh."

"Say hi to my parents then I want to take you to the lake," I say.


Wiping more tears off my eyes, I drag him to the kitchen.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson," he says quietly.

"Oh hi! You don't have to call me that, please. Call me Julie!"

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