Chapter 57

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"So. Easton, you're a senior, is that correct?"

"That I am."

"And where do you plan to go to college?" Dad asks.

"University of Michigan, sir. I plan to get a degree in medicine."

"Ah. Good. Just as Claira is, right Claira?"

"Yes, sir."


"I guess," I say, looking down at my empty plate. Easton grabs my hand under the table and I smile.

Abnormally hungry, I grab another roll and a small piece of chicken.

"You're really hungry today," My mom says.

"Probably from puking my guts out."

"Oh. Yes."


It's silent for almost 10 minutes, until my father speaks up.

"Okay, someone address the elephant in the room."

Easton and I freeze.

"We don't know what you're talking about," I say. Easton starts bouncing his leg. He's nervous. He's a terrible liar.

"No? Easton, are you sure?" my dad asks, targeting him.

"A- absolutely."


Easton doesn't say anything.

"Dad. Leave him alone. He knows nothing."

"Mhmm. And how can we be sure you're not lying. I mean you certainly can't be trusted."

"Dad. Leave her alone!" Mason bursts.

I send him an appreciative look, and he sends me a look telling me to tell what's happened later.

"Excuse me. She is my daughter, I will do jsut as I like. Claira, what is going on?"

"Nothing dad! Everything's fine! I'm fine!"

"I didn't ask if you were fine, nor do I care! I will like to know what you did, and what you are keeping me fr-"

"I'm pregnant, dad! There I said it! Happy?"

I stomp off, Easton following behind me.

Looking back I see my dad stunned, my brother quiet looking at his plate, and my mom...


I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

"Are you okay?" Easton asks, stopping me right at the stairwell and holding me tight against his chest.

I just sob, and sob, and sob.

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Okay. Just breathe. I can schedule a doctors appointment for tomorrow, okay babe?"

"Thank you," I cry into his shirt.

"Anything for you."

"I need to go upstairs."

"I'll carry you." Lifting me up, somewhat cradled, he carries me up the stairs.

We reach my room and he sets me down and I go to lay on my bed. He lays down next to me and we fall asleep next to each other.
The next morning
"So Claira. Here are the pictures of the baby. There are no complications aside from the fact that the baby is icredibly small for 2 and a half months."

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