Chapter 47

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"So, Claira. You're going to have to stay with the Harts if you want to keep going to this school.I physically can not move down there. I just cant, for reasons, that are unexplained."

"Okay," I say, buckling the seat-belt. Finally get to leave this hellhole. 

My mind wanders. I've stayed in the hospital for a week. I missed the rest of the school week and a few days. I've missed softball practice.

Shit. I've missed softball practice.

"Mom, can you drop me off at the apartment before I go to their house. I need to grab a couple things."

"Everything was already taken from there."

"Oh. Okay."


When we got to the Harts house, everyone surrounded me in hugs. Except Jacob. He wasn't there.

Now that hugs and dinner is over, I'm up in my bedroom, reading. That is until I hear a knock on the door and Jacob walks in holding my bat bag. Some girl is standing next to him, a girl I've never recognized.

And she's holding his hand.

"What's this?" he asks, expecting an answer.

"None of your business."

"Sure. Claira you know you can't play! Why would you go and play, first of all, second of all, why wouldn't you have at least told me? Is this what you were lying about?"

"Why does it even matter anymore, when you were clearly lying to me too? I told you we were taking a break for two weeks, and it's been a week and you're already off with another girl. Did I really mean that little to you? How long have you been seeing her for?"

"Claire, do not change the subject. this si completely irrelevant. You could have gotten hurt. You still can."

"It's not gonna hurt me anymore than you are!"

"What are you even talking about? I haven't hurt you once Claira."

"That's bullshit. Are you really that fucking stupid?"

"Apparently I am, because the only time I can recall hurting you is that once, and it didn't happen again."

"I'm not talking about physical pain, Jacob. Mental pain! Have you ever thought of how much mental pain you've out me through. You are literally hurting me right now, whether you can see it or not! You broke my fucking heart. 3 times. And you're doing it again. DO you ever realize how much seeing you with someone else , when we were, mind you, just on a break, does to me? What is going on with you? You're acting so different? It's like you don't care about my feelings anymore. Did you ever think about how much I  loved you? Still love you? No you didn't. You only cared about how much you loved me. I'm starting to believe you don't even love me. Which sucks, because I am fully, head over heels, in love with every bit of you. Good and bad. I have literally spent nights, lying in bed thinking about how much I love you, and how I want to be with you forever. How I want to have a life with you maybe when we're older. I can't believe you would go and fucking date someone else while we're on a break. We weren't actually broken up fully."

"I'm sorry."

"Your sorry's don't cut it anymore. If that's really all you can say, than we're done. For real. I don't want to ever date you again. I fucking hate you. Get out of my room."

I walk over to the door, push him out of the room and slam the door in his face, hoping it hits him again.


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